It is REALLY complicated.

Friday, August 26, 2005

The family feud has been escalated over the last couple of days due to absurd hearsays and my parents’ distrust on my supposed Sunday shift schedule for the weekend.

Long story made short: They [my parents] want me home by Saturday afternoon but I can’t because I have to work graveyard on Saturday. I had promised to go home to Ormoc on Sunday afternoon instead to visit my dad. Still they wouldn’t believe my reason for the delay so they called the office to confirm my schedule!!! Can you believe I’m being treated like a grade school student claiming to have classes? Imagine the surprise HR got when they were asked about my agenda! At first, they spoke with someone named Jenny who didn’t have a clue about my required Sunday shift (that’s the Saturday graveyard shift I’m talking about) and I had to argue demanding that they ask for Shelley for it was she and Bheng who scheduled me for the required shift. They insisted that I am hesitating to go home because of someone, which is so not true. I have my reason and that’s because of my job! But they refuse to believe me! Arrrghhh! Naturally, I fumed over the whole incident, said things I didn’t really mean in the first place and ranted on my mom! It’s so frustrating. Consequently, my dad intervened and now we’re having an all-out war of the worlds! *sigh*

With that, they took my car and imposed that I end my current relationship with mi novio for it was what they believed is causing me to be so vehement towards them. Ayayay! So complicated… I’m getting a migraine just narrating this whole episode of my life (not to forget that I’m also dialing at work being a pain in the ass for calling random American households). What a life!

If you are feeling sorry for me now, well, don’t be! I’m going home to Ormoc tomorrow to get to the bottom of this. I have to make them understand the whole scenario. If they won’t see things the way I do, then I guess there’s nothing more I can do. I will just have to go on with my life with everyone’s back at me, away from everyone who deprives me of my happiness. Why say so? Because all my cousins have taken my parents’ side. No doubt about that. I’m the bad guy here because I’m the one talking back (Geezz! I was just trying to defend myself). Is it such a crime to voice out the truth? *double sigh* I do realize that I sound irate everytime I reason out, but that’s just me. What do you expect from an Arian, from a person who feels deeply or someone who gets irate respondents on the phone everyday?

I pray for this misunderstanding to be resolved. If not, then I guess this is one of those things-happen-for-a-reason occurences. I remembered I was told by a fortune teller some time back that whatever I do in the next three months of my life will shape my future. Well, future… here I come!

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