do you make sense? i do. ♥

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Do you wear any type of corrective lenses?: no
Who is the first person you see in the morning?: my maid or jake/kitty
What do you see when you look out your window?: it’s always closed :D
Name one place you’d like to see that you haven’t yet.: bora bora, french polynesia
Would you rather see the sun shining or snow falling?: sun shining
What is the ugliest article of clothing you’ve ever seen?: cigarette jeans
Who makes your eyes light up when you see them?: ryan reynolds
Is there somewhere you’ve been that has a great view?: yeah the grand canyon
How often do you see your family?: once or twice a month
What was the last movie you saw in the theater?: i forgot… aha! and cute ng ina mo!
What was the last concert you went to?: i dont remember
Name something around you that is red.: my mouse pad
What color is your car?: white
Who do you wish you could see more often?: banggoy, always ♥
What is your favorite smell?: musk
What do you think is the worst smell in the world?: bahog ilok!
Your favorite perfume/cologne to wear?: ralph lauren
Do you like the smell of incense?: kinda
What’s your favorite candle scent?: lavender / ocean
What kind of soap/shower gel do you use?: JJ milk bath
Do you have an air freshener in your car?: i think
Can you handle the smell of a skunk?: haven’t smelled one
Does second-hand smoke bother you?: yup
Do you crinkle your nose when you smell something that isn’t pleasing?: i cover my nose!
What food makes you hungry just by smelling it?: corn :D
What can you smell right now?: the smell of the night air
Can you smell it in the air when its about to rain?: yes :D
What would you say is the best sound in the world?: kids’ laughter
Do you listen to loud music when you drive?: yes
Do you enjoy peace and quiet?: sometimes
Do you like the loud sounds of the city or quietness of the country?: loud sounds :D
Are you one of those people who can hear a pin drop?: yes
Do loud noises make you jump easily?: not really
What sound drives you nuts?: silence :D
What kind of music do you enjoy the most?: alternative rock
What can you hear right now?: kitty and jake babbling
Does you set your alarm to the buzzer or the music?: music
Would you rather be in a crowded & rowdy bar or a low-key one?: low key note
What’s the greatest thing anyone has ever said to you?: i love you ♥
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but do words really hurt you?: no
When you hear another person crying, does it make you sad, too?: no it freaks me out!
Sweet or Sour?: sweet
Do you like spicy foods?: no
What’s your favorite flavor of gum?: peppermint
What do you normally eat for breakfast?: noodles
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
The worst food ever?: veggies
Your favorite meal?: orange brutus, porck chop steak
Your favorite fruit?: jackfruit :D
What’s your favorite kind of soda?: coke light/diet pepsi
Chocolate Milk or Plain?: MALT! ovaltine power! :D
Do you put pickles on your sandwiches?: yes
Ketchup or Mustard?: mustard!!!
Ever been to a wine-tasting event?: in my dreams
Pick your favorite flavor of Doritos.: guacamole!
Are you ticklish?: kinda
Where?: secreto para masaya :D
What is the worst pain you’ve ever felt?: i’ve a very high tolerance for that
Are you afraid of needles?: no
Who was the last person who gave you a hug?: banggoy!
Who is the last person you held hands with?: banggoy while watching LITTLE MANHATTAN last night
What was your last injury?: i fell down my computer seat the other day and landed on my buttocks
Have you ever dropped something heavy on your toe?: i think so
When you fall off something, do you keep trying or give up?: keep trying
Does pain scare you?: no
What feeling makes you most comfortable?: lying on a bed of roses :D
Do you like the feeling of walking barefoot on the beach?: yes, minus the tae of the dogs
Do you normally wear shoes in the summer?: no
Do you like water/swimming?: yes
Do you get paranoid in the dark?: yes
Is there a superstition that you really believe?: yes, a lot actually
Are you religious?: i have faith ♥
Who/what do you need next to you to fall asleep at night?: pillows, lots and lots of them
Do you have a short fuse?: no
When you’re angry, do you hold it all inside?: no
How do you deal with confrontation?: i yell like crazy
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?: yes i do
Do you tend to trust people easily?: not really
Are you pessimistic or optimistic?: OPTIMISTIC all the way baby
Do you worry too much?: i dont want to become a raisin
Do you daydream a lot?: not anymore
What was your last dream about?: i forgot
Are your dreams usually good or bad?: neutral and very unrealistic :D
Who can make you smile no matter what?: jim carey hahahaha
Who was the last person to hurt your feelings?: that naji poser!
What do you feel is your strongest emotion?: my jealousy hahahaha
What was the last thing that happened that upset you?: naji impersonating me
What is the worst feeling in the world?: stepping on tae
Are you happy with where your life is at right now?: yes, very
What do you do when people lie to you?: i dont really believe what people say hahahaha
What emotion describes you best: Anger, Happiness, Sadness, or Confusion?: Happiness.. Extreme happiness
Are you in love?: YES
What was the greatest day of your life?: everyday is a great day :D

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  1. like you said, “you can use my life as your guide. i am your mirror.”

    thank you. :)


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