All this hype about true love finding you in the end is oh so REAL! I mean, if we are patient enough then it should happen... eventually. Well, it happened to me, you know. And yes, it happens to animals, too! More specifically, birds.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that picture you see right there happened just this morning. You see, that bird in the cage came to us earlier this year (I think around late January or early February). It actually landed on my aunt's shoulder and the househelp caught it and put it in the old cage. I don't even know what kind of bird that is but it has this very shrill tweet that I could mimic when I purse my lips and try to blow inside. You know how to do that? I bet. Anyways, so this bird has been tweeting like crazy over the past few weeks. I only tweet via Twitter and I don't speak bird so I don't know what the hell it's trying to say.
But lo and behold! A month or two later, another bird of its kind comes around... Must be the mate? Awww.. how tweet! Err.. sweet!

Do you see that look on its face? It's looks so mad. So my dad said we ought to set the birdie free and my mom chirped in saying it should be with the love of its life. Nax... *rolls eyes* I have a feeling they're trying to send me a message with that. Or feeler lang gyud ko. Tee hee.
So I guess what I'm also trying to say here is we should not lose hope because no matter how long it takes, love will find a way and it will find you somehow, someday. :)
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that picture you see right there happened just this morning. You see, that bird in the cage came to us earlier this year (I think around late January or early February). It actually landed on my aunt's shoulder and the househelp caught it and put it in the old cage. I don't even know what kind of bird that is but it has this very shrill tweet that I could mimic when I purse my lips and try to blow inside. You know how to do that? I bet. Anyways, so this bird has been tweeting like crazy over the past few weeks. I only tweet via Twitter and I don't speak bird so I don't know what the hell it's trying to say.
But lo and behold! A month or two later, another bird of its kind comes around... Must be the mate? Awww.. how tweet! Err.. sweet!
Do you see that look on its face? It's looks so mad. So my dad said we ought to set the birdie free and my mom chirped in saying it should be with the love of its life. Nax... *rolls eyes* I have a feeling they're trying to send me a message with that. Or feeler lang gyud ko. Tee hee.
So I guess what I'm also trying to say here is we should not lose hope because no matter how long it takes, love will find a way and it will find you somehow, someday. :)
- Wednesday, March 31, 2010