30-day Blog Challenge: DAY 21

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 21: If you died tomorrow, what’s one thing you’d regret not doing?

You know that I live my life with no regrets (or at least I try to!) and I always make it a point to live each day like it were my last... asking myself, "If this was my last day, would I want to do these things I need to today?" That I have been doing just over the recent years, because I admit that before I wouldn't give a shit about dying. But now I get weird moments where I reflect about death and get really scared. Eeeek! I guess this is why I show people I love them and tell them I love them every time I get the chance to and tell people things before it's too late because I don't like regrets. But okay, for the sake of this blog challenge, the only thing I do regret is not having gone to a better school, pursuing a writing career, and living in a First World country. I guess that's just it. But now with Noodle Boy and my little NoodleLito, it's not so much of a regret anymore. Because I'm happy with my life right now, like this... but I still wish it could be better though but with the two loves of my life. Hehe.


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