AVALON.PH: What are you thankful for this year 2011?

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

I never thought that 2011 was a BIG year for me until I realized what took place in my life. MAJOR MAJOR things have happened and I couldn't be more blessed looking back at the awesomeness of 2011.

Let me highlight the important life events.

  1. Noodle Boy proposed.
  2. Our truly amazing prenup photoshoot.
  3. I got married... TWICE... to the same man. Once during a small civil ceremony/beach wedding and then a bigger wedding in a Catholic chapel.
  4. I got pregnant and gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.
  5. Opened an extension to SALA Lounge + Café, with SALA Patio + Bar.

There are also quite a lot of minor events that took place in my life this year that I am grateful for also as they have given me strength and taught me so much about life.

But if I have to state in a sentence what it is that I am most thankful for this year 2011 it would go like this:

I am thankful because 2011 turned me into a wife and a mother.

The year 2011 will finally come to an end in less than a month's time. It had been a good year indeed but now we must move on and look forward to the future. Which means, I need another planner.

It was in 2010 that I discovered the importance of keeping a planner. I don't really write "plans" in it though but random stuff. Mostly you'll see computations, expenses and all the boring Math stuff I need to keep track of. Ugh. But hey, at the end of the year, it pays off. It makes me smile thinking how financially responsible I've become.

I could very well do it via Google spreadsheets and the like but somehow, I'm pretty old school when it comes to journals and notebooks. Well, you know... I wrote how I feel about it.

Come 2012, I know just the thing to start it with!


How does a Moleskine weekly/daily planner sound? I think it will make a real loud and a pretty BIG BANG for the new year!

Photos from Avalon.PH

If I were you, I'd also join the Moleskine Weekly Diary/Planner 2012 Giveaway sponsored by AVALON.PH and let's altogether plan our 2012 to be more organized and really productive in the coming year!

Happy Holidays everyone!!!


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