Blonde Ambition #1: DIY Lannister Gold (How to bleach your hair at home!)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm not a huge fan of the Lannisters. But I love GAME OF THRONES!!! I'm all for Team Targaryen but before I can get that silver hair, I must bleach it like crazy and sport this golden hair ala Joffrey Baratheon. Ugh. God, I wanna smack that kid's face and slice it like Fruit Ninja or Vegetable Samurai. Anyways, I'll show you how to bleach your hair at home at an immense fraction of the cost of getting it done professionally. That's Php 300 vs Php 3,000 at least. Of course, I don't really recommend this if you're not very gutsy or if you're such a perfectionist. However, if you want to experiment with your crowning glory, then by all means, read on.

You'll need these things.

Bleach powder (Php 90), large tub of keratin hot oil treatment (Php 198),
and Mondes Vol 40 12% developer (Php 80)
In addition to the 40 vol 12% developer (or 9% if you think the 12% is too strong) and the bleach, you'll also need of course, the plastic bowl, spatula/comb or dye applicator and a keratin treatment. The latter is super important for bleached hair because you're literally killing your hair so this will make it all soft, smooth, and looking healthy again. I prefer to use HBC/Hortaleza and Mondes products because my hair likes them and their products are pretty inexpensive plus they work extremely well. I am in no way sponsored by them. I buy my hair products and only share with you the ones I recommend. If you prefer to use other brands, you can do so.

Okay, now mix the bleach and the developer. For this, I used 80mL of developer or oxidizing lotion to 15g (or 20g?) of bleach powder. (Actually this was too much for my pixie cut, so I gave the rest to the ladies helping me out at home.) IMPORTANT: Please wear gloves because not only will your hands smell like cat piss, the mixture will burn your skin!!!

See here:
The bleach was too strong that I had tears in my eyes within a few minutes of application. I cried like a baby!!! HAHAHAHA! I lost track of how long (or how short!) I had it on because I had to wash it out immediately. My scalp was ON FIRE!!! I think it's either because I used the 40 Vol 12% developer or I have some open areas from scratching my head so much. I think I'm getting dandruff from styling wax and gels on my hair. Tsk tsk tsk.

Look! I'm a Super Saiyan!!! Vegeta's not too happy about it! LOL
Bleaching your hair works really fast especially if you have light brown hair. You can check periodically and if the desired color is achieved, you can wash it off. However, it is not advisable to let the bleach stay for long because it is very irritating to the scalp. For dark hair, you may need to keep bleaching your hair 3-4 x in a span of weeks or a month because it will cause so much damage to your hair. Thus, the keratin treatment. You can buy the small tub for less than Php 100 but I bought the large one because I know I'll be using this one a lot.

Tinkerbell, is dat chu?

It's so brassy. I wanna die. JK! It's like a doll's hair and I'm like a KPOP artist. LOL! So I decided, as per advise of friends, to just go ahead and bleach it again, but this time only using 9% developer. I wanted to get my hair lighter. After all, I don't wanna be Team Lannister!!! Again, you're NOT supposed to do this. You've got to give your hair time to rest and recuperate before bleaching it again to lift the color some more.

My scalp was a little bit itchy but I was able to let it stay for a longer time because there was no real irritation nor burning on my head. Thus, I was able to achieve a lighter shade and it's now more or less yellow. None of that weird orange-y bronze tint.

With matching bleached eyebrows now!
Also It's actually not advisable to bleach your eyebrows... as my mom pointed out repeatedly. So annoying because it my hair, my eyebrows, my life. I can do what I want. Hmmpf. Plus it's not the first time I've broken a spoken/written rule. "YOLO!!!!!!!!!!!" says MyMaria, the rebel. Anyway, I used an old mascara wand, washed and cleaned, then dipped it on the bleach mixture. This one is per Noodle Boy's suggestion because he once also bleached his hair and eyebrows back in 2004. I'll post his old pic during one of these #ThrowbackThursday times.

This involves a lot of risks and I am not an expert. Bleaching your eyebrows will take a lot of guts. NO GUTS, NO GLORY, right? Let the professionals do it if you're such a scaredy cat. Tee hee. Since I live in the province and most people here are super conventional, you can only imagine the stares I get and the reactions of people who see me. But I am no Maria Clara, never was and never will be, so it doesn't affect me and it doesn't bother me. If you are one that cares about what people have to say about you, then bleaching your hair to death (literally)  is not for you. Go be safe and boring with a chestnut brown or mahogany color. *wink* See? Being blonde has its effect. You get some weird confidence (even bitchy?) that you don't know you have in you and I think I now know why Miley Cyrus is the way she is now. LMAO!

Anyways, after keratin hot oil treatment, my hair now looks really golden, like Lannister gold. Yayyy!

No makeup/No filter. But look Ma, matching hair and eyebrows!!! HELL TO THE YEAHHH!
I need to get a hold of violet or purple shampoo to tone it down some more so I can get that Targaryen silver hair and maybe even make it lilac or lavender, too. :) Oh, blondes really have all the fun! I can't wait to try those semi-permanent and vegetable dyes. There's blue, pink, green, purple, the list goes on. Of course, they are safe to use and I wont risk further killing my hair. Also for the keratin treatments, I plan to do weekly (heck, maybe even 3 x a week if I have to!).

From ASH BLONDE to GOLDEN BLONDE (Lannister Gold)
So there you have it. Just 24 hours ago, I was a brunette and now I'm blonde! Awesome, huh?! Another task accomplished. WOW! Being 30 sure is fun! I am old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway. Tee hee. I still got many things to do before I die, but for 3 decades, I've got no regrets, have lived my life to the fullest, and got no WHAT IFs on my mind. Say it with me... BASTA IGAT, SIKAT!

I am happy. :) Are you?

UPDATE: My hair has gone PLATINUM... Well, almost. 

BLOGS ★ http://www.bastaigatsikat.com

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