BastaIgatSikat's 10th Anniversary Blog Giveaway: Win a 2014 BDJ Power Planner!

Monday, December 16, 2013

After browsing through my blog entries over the years, I feel really accomplished right now. From a lost little girl to a rebellious twenteen, a social butterfly turned solitary then to bouts of anger and depression and manic moments, all of these dramas and adventures make this blog my most treasured memoir. I highly encourage everyone to start a blog or write a private journal if you're the shy type. Trust me, after a decade it's going to be worth it!

📓 Thanks to @BDJBUZZ! To celebrate my 10th anniversary, a decade of blogging and online presence, let's prepare ourselves for 2014 with the queen of all planners, the #BelleDeJourPowerPlanner! 📖 

If you've known me since 2003 (or even before that), you know my blogging resulted when I decided to take my journals online. 📚 From Friendster and MySpace blogs to Xanga, LiveJournal, and eventually settled on Blogger, this is where you can best get to know me and even read about the most mundane details of my so-called life. ☺️ Not that they're all epic and fun all the time, you can skim through archives and read about my colorful puberty and how I kinda f*cked up my adolescence (didn't we all?) Tee hee. Now happily married with a doting @mrnoodleboy and a lively little @Noodlelito, I'm still living my life like an open book. 😊

For the FIRST ROUND of my 10th Anniversary Blog Giveaway, I'm raffling off one (1) highly coveted and best-selling BDJ 2014 Power Planner plus a Lifestyle Card. Why this? Because 2014 is going to be our year. We can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING if we put our minds to it. It's all about planning. ;)

Photo from

Want to win it? It's so easy, just join via RAFFLECOPTER below. Make sure to follow the instructions to qualify! I'll pick one random lucky winner on New Year's Day and announce it on all my main social media accounts! So be sure to follow me on FB, Twitter, and Instagram! I'll ship the prize for FREE as long as you have a Philippine address. That's it! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


UDPATE 01/01/2014: And the winner is...

UPDATE: 01/15/2014 - NEW WINNER!!!

BLOGS ★ http://www.bastaigatsikat.com

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