How to Cover & Conceal (Acne, Blemishes, and Other Imperfections) with Naturactor Cover Face Concealer and Foundation

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The video that everyone's been waiting for is here! Finally, I got around to filming how I use my ultimate favorite concealer, Naturactor Cover Face. I'll have you know I'm not very good at editing videos so pardon me if I totally suck at it but don't worry, I'm trying my best to learn. This is also NOT A SPONSORED post so I'm not getting paid for doing this and I bought all my Naturactors with my own moolah. My only motivation here is to help others. If you are perpetually battling acne, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I feel you and I know how difficult it can be at times. Now if you're at a loss and have no idea what I'm saying, then why are you even reading this blog post?

RANT. Seriously, screw all those ads about showing your inner beauty and taking off your makeup. Dude, there's always a right time and place to paint your face! I say wear makeup if you want and don't let anyone stop you. Just make sure to wear the appropriate makeup, you know, day versus evening/night looks. I have makeup-free days during the majority of the week (because I work at home) but when I go out, you can't tell me it's okay and better to go out bare-faced. Hell, you don't know shiite about living in the province where people's noses are up in other people's asses all the time. FACT: People will stare. So make it worth their while! End of rant.

Story of my life.
Whew! Now that we got that out of the way...  let's move on. I've been using Naturactor since late summer of last year (see HERE for my previous step-by-step tutorial) and I still haven't finished my jar/s as you can clearly see in my YouTube video at the end of this blog post. There's really a lot of product in it and I use it very frequently.

Until I get that celebrity skin back (hopefully soon!), this concealer is my BFF for now. I'm all for the nomakeup-makeup look and frankly, you can't really tell I'm wearing makeup most of the time. That is, if you don't know what I look like with my bare face. Tee hee.

I started wearing makeup because I wanted to hide my pimples and consequently have people stop making those nasty remarks about my skin. I have feelings, you know. It's not nice listening to people stating the obvious. SAY NOTHING IF YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY, okay? Anyway, since I learned to cover and conceal all my acne, blemishes and other imperfections, I was able to do so much more. I got my confidence back and my self-esteem is much more improved. I don't have to limit myself and worry about people juding me anymore because, fuck you, I have mad makeup skills and I can come up with a million looks while you're stuck with that one face. So sad to be living in a world like this. But no worries, a little concealing here and there, and you can be as free as a bird!

With no further ado, I present this video on HOW TO COVER AND CONCEAL your acne, blemishes, and other imperfections with Naturactor Cover Face Concealer and Foundation.

Products Used:
Ben Nye Banana Powder
MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation NC30
Fanny Serrano 2-way Cake Foundation in Rajah
Avon Ideal Luminous Blush in Peach

The MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus foundation NC30 initially looks light upon application but give it some time and the color match becomes perfect and blends with my skintone.
 Brushes Used:
Precision Tapered Brush by Beauty Cosmetics
Precision Angled Brushes by Beauty Cosmetics and Virginia Olsen
Contour/Blush Brush by Virginia Olsen
Real Techniques Blush Brush by Samantha Chapman

Note: Again I apologize for my unsightly hands/fingers. They're not dirty. Just used a peeling kit and my skin is shedding like a mofo. But more on that in another blog post. ;)

This is why I love makeup!

Stay tuned for the announcement of my upcoming birthday giveaway! It's coming up next... Bye for now and thanks for dropping by!

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