
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I wasn't always the most organized person in the world. In fact I was "The Greatest Slob of All". But all that has since changed... just like I predicted back when I was young and seventeen.

Eventually life takes you down a path where you have to stop and take a good look at your life and think about how you can make it better. You don't need to wait for life to throw lemons at you to make lemonade. Why? Because every day we have a choice to make one if we want to. So yes, life is what we make it. That's the real truth.

So the question that I am recently faced with is “What do you do 2x a week to keep you feeling clean and sexy?” That's a no-brainer. I'm vain and I know it and because of that I have a routine I'd like to share with you and this really helps me to boost confidence and even feel sexy. It's all about the attitude and discipline. Take a look at my weekly routine below and as you continue reading my blog, you'll see why #IDoItTwiceAWeek.

For me, the formation of habit is really important. Once I'm set on a routine, it's just automatic. You don't have to drag yourself once you get the whole thing dialed in. My weight gain/loss journey is something that's a rollercoaster ride but no matter how much I'm tipping the scale, I always feel sexy. How so? Because sexy is not your vital statistics. It is how you feel when you're comfortable and confident in your own skin. Here, let me explain it some more.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. 

While cleaning is still not my strongest suit, there really is a huge difference when everything is spic and span. There's just more positive energy flowing and you get to do things quicker and more efficiently because you don't waste time looking for stuff you've misplaced or forgotten. My husband's belief of a having "a place for everything" has rubbed off on me. So glad I married a neat freak. Although I don't have time to clean stuff up everyday, #IDoItTwiceAWeek.(Saturdays and Sundays)

Three decades and more of existence has taught me one very important thing -- the power of your mind. Remember that dude, Rene Descartes? I totally agree when he said, "I think, therefore, I am." Cogito ergo sum. This is open to many interpretations but it doesn't change the fact that when you stop and think, breathe and reflect, focus and concentrate... your purpose becomes clearer and life just gets better. Try it. #IDoItTwiceAWeek (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Everything starts from within, right? That's why I love my coffee with grass-fed butter and MCT oil because it just clears my head and lets me think straight. But we also need to take care of our body externally and we can do this by sweating the bad stuff out, ergo, exercising.

I'm no longer gym rat because honestly, I don't have time for that. But I am a fan of high intensity interval training and circuit training. You can do them without a gym membership, in your own time and place. (Wednesdays and Saturdays for me.) Another favorite of mine is a quick nature trip and ending with some earthing or grounding to neutralize all my energy and feel like new. And yeah, #IDoItTwiceAWeek. (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

As mentioned, vanity is my weakness and even though most people really can't be bothered with exfoliating their skin, I am one who actually does this... like religiously. If you don't do this, you're missing out a lot and if you've got skin problems like me, this is your golden ticket to achieving healthy and glowing skin. That's why #IDoItTwiceAWeek! (Tuesdays and Fridays)

You are what you eat! So even if I cheat a lot, I am determined to eat clean and eat healthy as much as possible and if I can't because I'm only human and I get tempted to eat all those unhealthy food, I always make it a point that I get to eat my servings of fruits and veggies and #IDoItTwiceAWeek! (Tuesdays and Fridays)

Juicing has done me a lot of good and I'm always happy to share my juicing experience and recipes to anyone who wants to lose weight and just feel healthy overall. I mostly do it for cleansing nowadays and it's always effective and has nothing but good side effects. That's enough reason for me and #IDoItTwiceAWeek! (Mondays and Wednesdays)

Join the #SexyCleanRevolution #IDoItTwiceAWeek #BETADINEFeminineWash.
As a woman who gets crazy periods and hormones enough to drive me to the brink of insanity, I am particularly interested in relieving every kind of feminine discomfort. I mean, who can stand irritations down there? Not to mention the possibilities of infection! And it's not very easy to hide this feeling of being self-conscious, distracted and simply un-sexy. You know, that's why prevention is always better than cure. Fortunately, BETADINE® Feminine Wash is here to help. That's why Clean is the new Sexy and #IDoItTwiceAWeek! (Mondays and Thursdays)

Join the #SexyCleanRevolution #IDoItTwiceAWeek #BETADINEFeminineWash.

Join the #SexyCleanRevolution and use BETADINE® Feminine Wash TWICE A WEEK to stay clean down there and feel confident and sexy always.

No more worrying about odor for that extra confidence boost especially when Aunt Flo comes to visit during RED DAYS. BETADINE® Feminine Wash is a Povidone Iodine 7.5% antiseptic feminine wash that offers protection from common germs which is the cause of feminine discomfort. Mothers are often prescribed this product by medical doctors after giving birth. Do you know it ranks #3 in the Feminine Wash Category? Yup and it’s also #1 in Liquid Antiseptic Feminine Wash Category.

Join the #SexyCleanRevolution #IDoItTwiceAWeek #BETADINEFeminineWash.

I believe that all of us women need to take care of ourselves and we can always start by staying clean in our intimate area to harness our inner sexiness. *wink* 

Remember, Clean Living... Clean Mind... Clean Body...


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