Time & Changes

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

For the past week, my life had been one helluva spin — forwards, sideways, but never backwards. I feel like the Energizer bunny sans the batteries. My face looks like a newly tilled land! Ayayay! It gives a whole new meaning to being moon-faced, complete with craters galore. And why is it so? Because I am a 24-year-old editor who has bills to pay and vanity to feed. Work is hell but I love it! There’s nothing in this world that can really replace working home-based. Well, that and being bar owner/bartender in Matira Beach.

This past week, I’ve learned many things which also explains why at an hour past midnight I am still blogging instead of getting my batteries recharged. Oh well, there’s always Red Bull. So where was I? Okay, my top 5 new lessons learned:

  1. WVM — This particular acronym took me almost 2 hours to figure out (and it was right in front of me)! You see, I was trying to change my blog layout via java/css (ahem! pretty nasty huh!) and racking my brains on how to track down people who viewed my blog without having to pay $4/month. Thanks to the wonderful people at www.FriendsterTalk.com, the impossible has once again become a reality! So anyways, for those of you guys who don’t want to experience a weird mind-boggling moment, WVM simply means Who’s Viewed Me! Ha ha ha! Silly me.
  2. The Touchpad — Another bummer moment right there! Why? I just found out after 3 damn years that there is such a thing as a Tap to Click on my ancient HP Pavilion. Ohmigosh! I just found out that you can actually double tap the friggin’ touchpad on the laptop and voila! That’s double-clicking it instead of pressing a separate button! I never felt so retarded in my life.
  3. The best things in life are still free. My dad won this Siemens ME75 mobile phone during the raffle draw during their Island Tee Tourney and since these phones aren’t as user-friendly as our dear Nokias, father dear has no choice but to hand it over to… who else, but me. That is why I have my sun # back. The irony of it all is that no matter how UNLIMITED things can get with this service provider, I think I’ve just wasted money on buying credits considering I’ve probably sent only 5 SMS and called one person for one freaking minute in the last 4 days! *sigh*
  4. Duty Free is the way to be — since the dollar has taken a deep dive down. There’s nothing like purchasing stuff at your nearest Duty Free store. Trust me. It’s worth every buck! And what do you know? They’ve got absinthe for $32 only; Tampax Pearls for $11.55; microwave ovens starting at $65; and all you can eat junk foods i.e. Doritos/Ruffles/Lays at less than $2 plus all the dips in the world! (Exag!)
  5. Lastly, if you charge with a VISA card in USD $… you have to pay the bank in USD $! Oh well, an eye for an eye…

There are still a lot of things I learned and things that have changed in the past week or so but my overclocked grey matter is already too rundown to function right now. Which reminds me, I have to change my hairstyle already since the end of the year is approaching… but on a more serious note, I have to think about this crisis-covered insurance that PruLife is offering. *sigh* When I was younger, I wanted to grow up fast! But nobody told me growing up is such a pain in the ass!!!

Boohoo! I gotta sign off now. Status: I’ll be floating like a butterfly… and stinging like a bee. Catch me if you can!

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