Hello camera!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A few days ago I got a new toy from Sis Kim... Well, actually it serves a purpose so I'm not sure if it's just a toy this time. It's something I need additionally to get a head start on our newest biz... the Ramenoodles Photography.

If you're wondering why I got a D5000 like the rest of the human population, I'll tell you the same reason I told each and everyone of them who asked. "It's not the pana, it's the Indian."

I'm no gear head. To me it doesn't really matter that much because you can't be a good photographer if the magic isn't there. And I'd rather buy a prime lens over those higher-end dSLR bodies. In this case, the price of a D90 could already buy me this Nikon D5000 dual lens kit!

The 12.3-megapixel D5000 is small, shoots 720p HD videos, and has a swivel screen so it's perfect for taking self-timed shots and camwhoring!!!

So after 3 long years, I have decided to shift from being amateur to pro... Umm, I'm not really sure I qualify as a pro but well, I'd like to make a living out of the things I love to do. Take SALA Lounge + Café for example. Heck, I get to drink on the job! Ain't that something?

So back to photography, I've had a Nikon D40x for years and I only bought it because I wanted portraits with bokeh. So like before, I chose the D40x over the D80 and now I have just chosen the D5000 over the D90. Aside from the price difference, I don't really like those bigger dSLRs... Ever tried lugging one around your neck for hours? Man, those things are heaaavy! My face is so small, so those bigger cams can easily hide my entire head! LOL.. Picture me and a camera for a head. I don't wanna look like that when I take pictures. My subjects will probably laugh their heads off. Tee hee.

Well, what about that bokeh you ask? It's basically that blurry background you get thanks to the cam and lens of the dSLR. Point and shoot cams just don't get the job right (and I don't wanna PS all the time!) so I figured I must buy a dSLR for this. Honestly, that was all I was after. Man, I was such a camwhore before. Then I realized taking pictures of other people, places, and things is really quite interesting. So I studied further... not a lot but I think I've gotten far.

Last weekend we were at Atasha's birthday pool party. I took pictures for almost 6 hours! Yup, Noodle Boy and I were able to snap approximately 1,500 pictures that day. Tiring? Yes. Fun? Hell yeah!!! I didn't even mind the sunburns I got from the party! Silly me I forgot to put sunscreen/sunblock. You have to admit, kids are awesome and birthday party food is great! :) From the main course to overflowing desserts! I have a sweet tooth so it's a real treat for me. Noodle Boy, on the other hand, doesn't get all giddy at the sight of chocolates. So it's all mine!!! HAHAHA!

Okay, so here are some of the pictures taken...

More pictures in HERE... and HERE... and HERE!

All in all, taking pictures of kids is really fun. And we got to watch a silly magic show during the party (save for the clowns that scared the hell out of me!) but then again, who can resist these!?

I guess I'll have to start checking my blood sugar levels now. Hehe.

However, with all the action with photography, I think I got all the exercise I need. :)

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