Something’s Wrong… Really Wrong.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Two days in a row now and this unsettling feeling is still pestering me. Since 5 in the morning yesterday and every now and then, my heart palpitates wildly as if insisting to be heard. Something tells me something bad is really going to happen, or has happened already. This is not the first time this has happened to me but it’s been months since the last one.

The premonition is so vague that I cannot tell what it’s really all about. It’s bothering me so much that I am so uneasy in whatever I do and wherever I go. I’ve contacted everyone close to me and asked how they are doing and what’s up. Everything is okay except for Jake who’s hospitalized for dengue fever but I’m sure the kid is going to be just fine. What’s more? When I close my eyes, I see a vision. It’s the head of a green snake, with it’s tongue hissing helter-skelter.

I’ve tried to interpret what seems to be an omen and I’ve asked a colleague who does palm reading to help me out with it. We came up with the notion that a betrayal is soon to befall and jealousy to surface. Aside from those, luck and money is involved.

So then I had my palm read and the first thing he said to me, not knowing anything about my life, was that my love life was in a frenzy. He said that a great love would come and if it had arrived, I should be building on it. He said I should let the guy court me for some time and I shouldn’t be rushing things. He mentioned about good guys passing me by and the bad guys staying with me. Oh lordy! As far as my job is concerned, he said I am unfocused because I have so many things in mind. I’ve translated that I haven’t been giving my best shot — to almost everything because I’m so preoccupied. (With what?!) He asked if I’ve heard from my family so I guess I should be keeping in touch with them often and he also said that I should pray.

Whatever happens next… I could only hope and pray for the best. And cross my fingers that I don’t get a heart attack or hyperventilate and stop breathing eventually.

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