November 2004 - Basta Igat, Sikat! by MyMaria


Everyone needs someonewho is always there and always caring.Everyone needs someonewho is just a touch or a card or a phone call away;someone with whom you can shareeverything thats in your heartor simply talk about the day in the waythat only two of you can.Everyone needs someone to encourage them;to believe in them;to give a pat on the backwhen things have gone right,and...

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What's on my mind?

Positive thinkin is like this: A little bird in the sky, U look up and it shits in your eye, U dont mind and you U dont cry, U just thank GOD that cows dont fly!!! (", ) No matter how many times you may have fallen short in the past, you can go positively forward right now. No matter how often you've...

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