What to do? What to do?

Sunday, June 05, 2005

To do or not to do? That’s the question. But there’s even a better question: What to do? When you’ve got nothing — and I mean, absolutely nothing — to do. You sit around waiting for what, nothing again. And in the end, it all boils down to this. Nothing. :(

I who have nothing. What’s that song again? No, nevermind. That sucks. Well, talking about the vast nothingness that has filled the void in my present circumstance reminds me of guess what, nothing. My mind is empty and yes, it’s blank so there’s nothing there, too. When I think about something, then I become confused because I get nothing.

When you seem like you’re stuck in a rut, figuring out what’s the best thing to do (to be productive or whatever!) and perhaps thinking of ways to make the world a better place… you end up doing completely nothing. If only we stop thinking and start DOING something, then that’s a start. Who knows what might happen!? Life is what we make it.

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