Shaken baby syndrome.. ayayay!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Current mood: contemplative

I've spoken with the Cousin Club and they confirmed that my behavior is so unlike any of them thinking that I grew up with those peeps. They told me that I so mirror the midwife who took care of me when I was just a baby. So what's so important about that? The midwife happened to be a junkie. One time my cousin caught her smoking weed in my bedroom and I was coughing like crazy in my playpen! To think that I was barely a year old... She did that often and when she got so high, she would carry me in her arms and she'd dance like crazy while careening wildly across the room. So does that explain my hyperactivity and my insane zest for life? I don't know. You tell me. Perhaps ADHD? *lolz*

Turning to the topic of separation, not anxieties, but among relationships. More and more people (my friends, anyway) are now realizing that being in a relationship is a crock of shit. Now, I'm talking about unhealthy bonds. I'm not going to go into details about my own personal life (because I'd be writing a 5-page blog!), but I'm generally speaking on behalf of my friends who are in dilemma as to what LOVE is actually. Here's the only thing I can say for now (since I'm running out of time to blog... meal break is almost over!): When starting a relationship, start HONESTLY. No pretentions. No holds barred. Just the unadulterated YOU and the real ME.

After a while of getting to know someone (and if you've been shot by Cupid, or if some divine intervention had suddenly tapped you guys in the back), you will realize that all hope is not lost. Once more, your heart beats like it hasn't before and the skies begin to look bluer everyday. Having been honest right from the beginning would pay a lot because it'd be easier to interact and understand each other. I think everyone will agree with me when I say that... LIARS GO TO HELL... No, just kidding... Seriously, lies don't do anybody good. That's not an opinion. That's a fact. So be true to yourselves. If the other party doesn't accept you for who you are, then let him go to hell... nah, seriously, he's just not worth it. Don't push it. Don't try to make yourself believe that you can change that person to accept the past because if he's the type who dwells on it, then he's a sack of shit. Life goes on (whether you or he likes it or not)!

My shrink, Ms. Daphne, says I'm sourgraping right now. Do you think so? Well, I would like to counter that by saying that I'm only displacing my thoughts on some issues here. Let's just say I'm in the state of battling-my-demons and I'm letting go now... This is just my release. (Thank you for your time.)


Feel free to COMMENT on this blog entry... It will be much appreciated.

Currently listening:
Crazy for You
By Madonna
Release date: 12 January, 1999

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