The Body of Christ

Monday, November 19, 2007

This is not some religious commentary I’m about to write, but merely a recollection of the things I’ve experienced with regards to the Holy Eucharist. You see, my mom taught me (instilled is the word) that I need to partake in this celebration and welcome Jesus to my life for my salvation and that jazz. Being a firm believer, I almost always receive the Holy Communion whenever I hear mass… and I make it a point that I get in line first.

I am still wondering WHEN will our local churches ever implement that certain organization wherein each row should stand up and get in line versus everyone be running towards the altar altogether now. Whenever I heard mass during our US trip, I am always glad to see how people can be so coordinated… it’s not like the Church runs out of the hosts, right? Which reminds me of a sick sad experience I had back in school when we celebrated the First Friday mass. I cannot and I don’t think I will *ever* forget that day — when I went in line to receive the Body of Christ and I believe our teacher/principal(?) was giving it and not lay ministers [since we were in school that time]. Okay, it was about my turn and alas! We were told to go back to our seats because there were no more hosts! I was like, “Whaaaaaaat?” I will never ever receive Holy Communion in school. So anyways, now that’s out! Whew! I’m glad to finally get that out my chest.

Another incident happened just recently which is bothering me just a wee bit. We had a mass celebrated at the cemetery for All Soul’s Day and during the Holy Communion, the priest gave me like 2 hosts! Err, I couldn’t very well return it now, could I? What was I going to say, “Umm, Mons, you gave me 2 hostias…” So I didn’t and I just ate both. Is that a sin or what? Oh well, maybe I need salvation twice. Maybe that’s the real message.

I also have this question for many, many years now. Are you supposed to chew the host? Or just let it melt in our tongue or just swallow it? I remember my cousin, who was a Protestant, who used to have this one bag of hosts and eats it for snacks, complete with a ketchup dip. Ahhh, I guess one could do that if the hosts are not blessed yet, huh? It’s still food I believe… it’s a thin, round wafer. It’s even sold at Ice Cream Haus! Go, check it out yourself!

If you have answers to some of my questions, please enlighten me.

I couldn’t find any copy of my First Communion picture but I will post that when I do.

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