February 2016 - Basta Igat, Sikat! by MyMaria

Leveling Up On Those Intimate Moments

   With NEW! Priva® Perfect Care 2-in-1 Intimate Wash When I got this special package before February ended, I was super delighted! For one, it came from Toni Gonzaga-Soriano. Damn, right! And secondly, the Love Month may have ended but true love lasts! Tee hee. If you think magic and chemistry works, you're probably right. But if you want to be even more intimately...

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I Found It On Galleon.PH

Ahoy, me Hearties!!! What do we have here? #FoundItOnGalleon Do you know what the biggest issue is for smart online shoppers who want to go on retail therapy? It's that most of the best and high quality products are sold overseas... in the US specifically. Plus at times they're cheaper there, too, what with all the discounts and the sales. But when it...

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