Real world

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Okay, quick recap since the last time I posted... um... I bummed around and spent the holidays, had a lot of good times with close friends and relatives... you know, the whole get-together events of the season. so anyways, bottomline: I gained weight (from all the parties! and man, those were awesome parties with *REAL* food!!!)... aight, so fast forward to the present.

I moved out and got my own place (after being grounded because I stayed out sooooo late!) and since I have a JOB (yay!), it really eats up a lot of my time nowadays. I could very well say that I have a feeling that this is going to be the best year of my life. If I rocked Ormoc City for 21 years, now it's time to paint Cebu City *RED*! tee hee...

Re: my JOB... I'm still actually going to PeopleSupport University.. I'm undergoing my training to prepare me for the big battle ahead... as a human sponge(bob)/call girl/booker aka travel consultant/Expedia trip expert. I'm not gonna expound on that right now... but I will update you on my corporate climb to the top! hurraaaahhh! Look out world... here I come!

I'm really learning a LOT. More than what I've learned in high school and college combined! I mean, real life experience is nothing compared to what I read from books or online. This is the real thing... and shit happens. You just have to deal with everything, bcoz if you won't... it's gonna hit you hard! It's alright to fall I guess, but not stumble. AMEN to that!

All my friends know that I truly madly deeply suck at Math... and therefore, managing my finances is not my cup of tea... Budget management for me is a myth. But now, not anymore. Currently, I'm really struggling to balance everything out... (Gawd! I barely passed my Accounting courses and to think I have a degree in Commerce, major in Business Management!) Ah well, I'm learning... and FYI: I am soooo poor! :( Although I'm not buried in debt shit or anything like that, reality bites especially when we're talking about independence. But hey, I ain't complainin!

I'm not really a food-person or a sleep-person neither. So my erratic eating and sleeping pattern caused by training schedules can't really take its toll on me... well, at least for now. I'm fine... Temperature at the office can be as low as 70 degrees or lower inside. I have a feeling that if I stay long enough at the company, I'd have a complete winter collection for my wardrobe. Lol..

Eeeeekk! It's midnight, gotta get some shut-eye now... be updating y'all!

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