Recap: The Holidays Are Over! Is it a Dawn of a New Era?

Friday, January 11, 2013

With all the fun and flurry over the 2012 Holidays, added with the frenzy over the alleged end of the world event and random crazy earthquakes, alas, it is time to move on. It's over and we are entering a new era. They say it is the Age of Awakening. For me, I think 2013 is going to be a big year to get another opportunity to be better - live better, eat better, work better, you know, just DO BETTER.

Here's a quick look back at the hustle and bustle of the season of love and giving:

Obviously, that's what I've been busy with. Family. Comes. First. But I was also helping the Alumni Association get ready for our 3rd E.V.E.R. Paulinian Homecoming Party on top of the transcription work that had been piling up due to the crazy holiday schedules.

Paulinian Alumni ExeComm
The Jurassics | Paulinians '99
Ramen Girl x Noodle Boy, Classmates from '86 to '99
Oh, and yes, the annual BARKS CHRISTMAS PARTY with the Soldiers VS Terrorist Theme.

Barks Christmas Party Theme Soldiers vs Terrorists
Can you find me? :P


I really need to add "blog some more" to my new year's resolution. But since I've been busy with actually making a living, I guess I'll have to take a look at my planner again and make room for writing/posting online. I need to save up for a new laptop though so I can be more productive. I've been stuck using a desktop for the past year so that's a factor why I haven't been blogging much. My apologies, dear readers. But hey, it's another year! Another chance to make everything alright again. The world didn't end, so here's looking to a brighter 2013!

Basta Igat, Sikat!

BLOGS ★ http://www.bastaigatsikat.com

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