What are you thankful for this 2009?
Tuesday, December 01, 2009The year of the Ox (that's Buffalo for people in North America), 2009, is about to come to an end. It is time once again to reflect on the things we've done this year and once more, resolve to be even better. But before I do the latter, come with me and let's go for a ride to reminisce what happened this year, and then I'll tell you what I am most thankful for.
January - I was at the height of my quarter-life crisis, trying to get over it once and for all. Surprisingly and happy to report that I have! And in less than 12 months, I've been able to grasp the whole idea that life is indeed too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life.
February - I wrote my own Confessions of a Shopaholic... after which I realized I've been too extravagant, therefore, I need to get a hold of my finances... FAST! Okay, I haven't really accomplished this yet, but I"m getting there! Because I'm thinking that in 2010, I am going to get financial literacy through my thick skull. Wait for it. :)
March - I did the impossible. I cleaned my room. All by myself! HAHAHAHA! Damn proud of it! So whatever... *rolls eyes*
April - Since switching to Mac, I've become an evangelist for it. This was probably the next best thing that happened to me this year! What's the best thing? Well, I'll tell you in a bit.
May - Summer was in full throttle. The sun, the sand, the sweet smell of summer... And of course, I learned a lot about promises this time around. People shouldn't believe everything they read or hear. I started to use my head, which I think I'm getting good at now. Oh, feelings... nothing more than feelings.
June - I figured I was a little bit psychic.. or psycho. I actually wrote about goodbyes way ahead of schedule... but every story has an end, yet in life every end is just a new beginning. This was the pivotal moment of 2009 for me. Mid-year and it was getting better already! I was lost but I was found. And life is goooooood!
July - I lost someone dear and very important to me, who played a huge part in my life. But I understand the cycle and once again, I was reminded of how life is so short and that we need to make the most out of it.
August - More drama... more lessons learned. But instead of weeping, when a tragedy occurs in a songbird's life, it sings away its grief. I'm no songbird, okay? But I believe we could well follow the pattern of our feathered friends. Thus, we spread our wings and fly... This way if we get to the top, then we see things in a different perspective. :)
September - Time came when the phoenix rose from its ashes. RameNoodles was born. Unofficially but yes, I've found the one I've waited for... Well, actually I already did a LOOOOOONG time ago but I just didn't realize it. So there. This is the best thing that ever happened to me -- when I finally opened my eyes and saw the truth.
October - Change is inevitable so moving on was expected. I was standing up for myself, doing things on my own, using my head more, and making wiser decisions. All in all, life was totally unfolding beautifully.
November - Thinking more before acting is becoming a habit now. Noodle Boy showed me the way. I've always let my emotions get the best of me, but this time, I'm in control. I still get manic a lot but I'm learning the ropes. I think I'm growing up. Honest.
December - Ahhh. Tis the season to be jolly! So many reasons to celebrate the Holidays and most of all, the waiting is over. I feel complete now. I am ready to take on another year. Watch out, 2010, here I come!!!
There, I just highlighted my whole 2009 blog! :)
Now do you know the Ox symbolizes diligence, reliability, sincerity, strength and sound judgment? Well, I think 2009 has been good to me, the ups and downs I've been through led to what I am most thankful for really, which is FINALLY HAVING THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. :)
With that I give you this short prayer with a huge meaning for me:
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
So guys, what are you thankful for this 2009?
Tell Avalon.PH all about it and get a chance to win one (1) Moleskine Colour a Month Daily Planner in 12 Notebooks 2010: 12 different soft coloured covers + hard cover case.
Happy Holidays!