December 2005 - Basta Igat, Sikat! by MyMaria

So little time. So much to do. Arkarna?

Currently, I’m on Banggoy’s notebook for my dear darlin’ HPPavilion has betrayed me! Oh the cruelty! *sigh* It’s been over a week since Ihad it working because some crazed Trojan horse penetrated my protected system.Dang! So much for Symantec’s security. And of all the time it had to crash iswhen I finally have the external DVD writer that my dearest father gave as...

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Party like it’s 2006!

With a huge slice of ham, scallops and a bottle of Sangriaenjoyed while playing house /chill-out music – ahhhh, this is going to be agood year! So, maybe I didn’t meet the New Year with a *bang*, then again, whowants to lose fingers? I’ve stuffed myself instead with all the goodies on thetable. Fruits, jams, salads, lengua, pancit, oh, you name it –...

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Naughty & Nice

I am so dehydrated. Oh the consequences you have to pay froman eat-all-you-can phenomenon! Last night I had an awesome shellfishexperience. All the tahong, talabaand barinday in the world… on myplate. In addition to that, I didn’t have to pay for it! Except that now, I’vemissed work and will not be getting my attendance bonus for the month. Ack! AndI thought the best...

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