Naughty & Nice

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I am so dehydrated. Oh the consequences you have to pay from
an eat-all-you-can phenomenon! Last night I had an awesome shellfish
experience. All the tahong, talaba
and barinday in the world… on my
plate. In addition to that, I didn’t have to pay for it! Except that now, I’ve
missed work and will not be getting my attendance bonus for the month. Ack! And
I thought the best things in life are free. Ever made the toilet bowl your
bestfriend? Under sober circumstances? Indeed. Lomotil, Lomotil, wherefore art
thou Lomotil?

‘Nuff about that. I don’t want to be tempted to go into
fecal details here. I’m not trying to be gross or anything. I have bad colds
and a really annoying dry cough to boot! Good thing my masseuse was here
tonight to make things soporific so I can rest and get a good night’s sleep. I
was planning to hit the sack already but by some force majeure I’m here hitting
the keyboards instead. Oh what divergence!

Mv92No matter where you are and how different you currently are,
somehow the past will find its way to rear its ugly head once more. Like a zit
you can’t wait to pop! Like most normal people, I’ve also had my share of
misbehaviors and evidently, I’m no criminal nor had committed a serious act of
felony since I hadn’t been convicted of any grave or even any not-so-grave misconduct.
The thing is, recently someone allegedly said that I’m famous in Ormoc for
causing trouble. No shit?! I never started anything, heck, I can’t even start a
fire; I guess it’s jusMylat that trouble finds its way to me like it’s been set
with a homing-device. Hmmm. I wonder what it’s like to be in Paris Hilton’s
shoes. Well, I’ve done my share of charity works, let’s see Paris do something like this for once.

Let me ask you something, but before that, I want to say
thanks for dropping by to read my blog. Now, to my question: Why are you
reading my blog? Bored? Well, try visiting
and I’m sure you’ll find this really interesting. Calling out fellow
non-homophobic Filipino fashionistas and viajeras! That homepage will sure to
bring a smile to your faces. And for the rest of you concerned citizens out
there, wear green and show your support for justice and peace for Francis
Xavier Manzano. For more info, click

Finally, all of my dreams are starting to come true. I’ve
been moved to the B2B (Business to Business) shift at work so I won’t have to
call those damn households anymore. This time I get to talk to professionals.
At long last! No more people mistaking me for a telemarketer (once again, I am
a market researcher and the DO-NOT-CALL list does NOT apply to us!) So screw
those threats of reporting us to the federal agencies concerned. Furthermore,
I’m working graveyard so that means *drumroll please* MORE cash flow! On the
other hand, I’m going to enroll
sometime mid-January so I can hit the books yet again and prepare myself for
the future.

Happy Holidays!

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