Monday: Accidents happen.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday night dinner was sumptuous... scratch that, the food was orgasmic! It was a great home-made meal at Abaseria and though I don't really eat milkfish (bangus), this was definitely an exception! I can't even begin to describe the goodness it brought. The ribs and ginger sauce was just as good and truly one you can't get enough of!

Adobong bangus.

Pork ribs.

Red rice versus garlic rice.

Gutom versus busog!


Naturally, one would want to get coffee after... and the DARK MOCHA FRAP at Starbucks was just perfect!

Yet, the evening didn't end there! Alas... on the way home from a wonderful Monday night out was a dreadful thing. I thought I finally killed someone.

Some crazy dude with a very uncanny name, Ferwin M (whose name in the driver's license by the way was actually a typo since it was FERMIN!) crashed into my dearest Troopee on my way home! See my sketch version below.

Yup! He ( X ) on his motorcycle, a Krypton without a light, cut in front of me as I was going straight because he wanted to turn left. What a! Come on, who takes a left turn like that? Apparently, he assumed I was going left because all other cars in front of me turned left.

Gawd! You should have seen the way he flew... I'd say he must have had wings! But then, he landed like some drunk stuntman... Good thing he had a helmet else I'd probably puke all that good stuff I ate earlier should I see some brains splattered all over the place. But I swear I saw him piss his pants... well, it looked like piss when he got up anyway. It certainly didn't smell like shit.

This is how it went when I ran to his aid:

Me (sipping my frap): Are you okay?
X: No, I'm not okay...
Me (continuously sipping my Php120 frap): Ummm... are you sure?

X: My shoulder... dislocated.
Me: *gasp* / *eyes wide open*
Me: Okay, wait, let me call my lawyer... errr.. cousin.

Now, you probably think what a bitch I was. But hey, it wasn't my fault in the first place! The major thing on my mind as it was racing was... "How am I going to explain this to my father?!?!"

CITOM was called. My "attorney-in-law", Vnz, was coming to get me. And as we waited:

Me (skeptical): Have you been drinking?
X: No, I wasn't drinking... I only had 2 beers.
Me (slaps forehead): Ahhh...
X: I'm a nurse. I'm going to work at 9. Me: Ummm... it's almost 10.
X: Uhh.. yeah.. 10...
Me: Are nurses allowed to drink before their "duty"???
............................ silence ............................
X: Awww.. my shoulder. It hurts!

Seriously. He spoke English. I thought he was Japanese initially. Baka!!!

CITOM came. My cousin came. That Ferwin guy managed to pick up his bag... and I thought he dislocated his shoulder! Hmmm... Too bad I didn't get to take photos of him.

But look at my poor Troopee... waaahhhh!

And you know what else... the nerve of this guy! He asked for medical assistance... EVEN THOUGH THE POLICE REPORT STATED HE HAD THE LIABILITY! He was explained a milllllllliiiiiooooooon times and he still didn't get it. He asked for my contact number and address because he wanted me to "shoulder" his shoulder expenses... LOL! Shoulder to shoulder.. HAHAHA! Really, he must have gone bonkers or something when he insisted on calling me "Marie"... I told him, it's Maria... over and over again, and he wants to call me "Marie"... What the...F!!! That must have been a really bad fall he took.

His wife came to get him and she goes, "Okay raka?"
Much to my amusement, he goes..."Pangutan-a sila!" (Pointing to us...)

ARE YOU CRAZY, DUDE? Why ask me if you're okay? Was I the frustrated stuntman who thought he had wings of an eagle? Was I the one who supposedly dislocated my shoulder??? That's your wife being concerned... The least you could do is console her and tell her you're alright or if not, then say so, damn it!!! Geez.

Then he asked what's my job. I told him I work at home. He asked if it was like a call center thing... and obviously, I was getting annoyed with him so I just nodded. My guess is that he's trying to see if he can get some money from me. So there... we exchanged contact numbers. Should he decide to ask for any medical assistance, I don't think I'll help. Clearly, he's out of his mind!

There you go guys... another exciting night for dear old boring me. LOL!

⋆✌㋡⋆ 陳美西

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