Ramen Girl goes to the Big City!

Monday, October 26, 2009

As the sun rose with all its glory, I watched the sky intently with only two hours of sleep and thought of you again, only to shut my eyes hard as I feel them burn with the bright, blinding light. Then slowly being soothed by Ben Harper's voice singing "She's Only Happy In The Sun".

A few minutes after, I was jolted back to reality when I heard the good captain announce our slow descent, interrupting my wandering thoughts of you and me, together again after quite a while. How my imagination ran wild!

It wasn't long when I felt my stomach churn as we defied gravity.

Approximately 3 years had passed since I took a flight alone and it's these times I could confirm how misery loves company. Traveling is great. I'd jump on the next flight to New Calhedonia or some unknown land had I the luxury of time, money, and of course the company of cariño mio. Alas! How deprived I am of these right now...

But that will change soon. Very soon...

In the meantime, here's my 8-hour trip to the Malaking Lupa.

GO HERE --> http://mymaria.multiply.com/photos/album/251

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  1. Ramen Girl, i just noticed that you love to eat pancit canton...do you know that too much carbohydrates can make you fat?
    I know that you are not weight-challenged, but i don't want you to wake up one day and notice that none of your jeans fit you anymore.
    I don't know if you are aware of Atkin's diet. You can eat all the food in the world, as long as you DRASTICALLY cut down all the carbs. I've been a doing it for 3 years, and i never gained weight, even if i eat a lot.
    Just FYI...:)
    Live well!

  2. Happy halloween Ramen Girl! Did you go out "trick or treating" last night? Hope you'll post some "halloween escapade" pictures in your next blog.


I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, and violent reactions! I will do my best to reply to you as soon as I can. :)


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