November 2009 - Basta Igat, Sikat! by MyMaria

I Enjoyed My Century Bangus Fillet at Home, Sweet Home.

Ormoc City, a small town in Leyte, has been my home for the past 26 years. The ups and downs of living in a small town have been highlighted by yours truly with my Plurks, Twitter, and random statuses in Facebook. The provincial life is anything but ordinary. You’d be surprised really, if you had ever lived in one. So in spite of...

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Quick update: 1,296,000 seconds / 21,600 minutes / 260 hours / 15 days until Noodle Boy comes home! Weeeee!!! *dances like no one is watching* Here's just for kicks... ** NEVER HIDE ** xoxo, ...

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Filipino Pride!

Today, we witnessed another victory! Woohoo!!! GO MANNY! I don't really watch boxing matches, so this is like the first time I actually watched one... Why? Maybe because it wasn't interesting enough for me or the fact that these boxers look like hell after a fight! Geeez. Have you seen their faces? Bloody hell. I feel better watching cock fights. Ugh. But anyways,...

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A Beautiful Mind

Everyone dreams of a hot, steamy love affair driven by wild intense passion at some point in our lives... well, most of us with imaginations anyway. Blame it on Hollywood, on romantic novels, and maybe even on literary erotica and porn. We all dream about that dashing debonair and that lady vixen, or whatever our fantasies dictate. But alas, it's not everyone who...

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Adieu, Maki. Adieu, Sofie.

This is officially my last blog via Maki. *sniff*sniff* (Drama mode!)I really hate goodbyes. But nothing lasts forever. We all know the constant thing in life is change (death and taxes being unavoidable, the latter though a little debatable) and you know, I don't really lose hope. I've always been the optimistic kind... most of the time anyway. That as long as we...

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FOR SALE: Sofie is up for grabs!

This is presumably the sale you've all been waiting for! Tee hee.Letting go of my ultra-cool QWERTY phone.My Nokia E63 (aka Sofie) for only...PHP 8.5K!Free shipping!Warranty until 12/2009. ABSOLUTELY NO HIDDEN DEFECTS!***OPENLINE***Comes with box and 1gb memory card...With a few minor scratches (signs of usage but you can just replace the casing) and no charger.Do I have to give a reason for selling?...

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