A Game of Luck? The Contest Whore That is Me!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another year, another 365 days of cool contests online. I've never considered myself really lucky. I haven't won the lotto, right? But chances are, I usually get Lady Luck's nod when it comes to contests. I enjoy contests. I'm not a very competitive person evidently as you can see that I'm not into sports.  But as far as playing cards, gambling, and writing competitions, I've been doing it for as long as I remember. Even before the dawn of the Internet.

I come from a family who plays madjong almost everyday; hosts madjong, piat2x/pusoy, and poker sessions at my house; and goes to the casino whenever there is a chance to. When I went to Las Vegas with my mom, I could literally see the sparkle in her eyes. I wasn't really there for the games... If you know what I mean. ^_^

Well, that's just some of the photos because you know what they say, "What happens in Vegas..."

I digress.

So anyways, this year started good as far as online contests. I happen to win a prize from Yugatech's BB give-away. Not the BB itself, but I got this Globe Tattoo USB. Not bad at all! :)

Last year's lucky streak was by far the greatest I've had. Starting off with claiming the prize from Century Bangus. I truly believe that the more you give, the more you receive. So I started my own contest in celebration of my birthday, which I plan to do again this year. So watch out for that one. It's coming up pretty soon!!! And then there was the Havaianas Give-Away I hosted as a Thank You for being chosen one of the top 10 winners of the Havaianas Happy Soles contest.

There were other contests I joined but didn't win last year. Nevertheless, I always have fun writing my blog posts (no pressure really) since I am very passionate about writing. The numerous awards I've received during my academic years with my writing and speech talents plus the recognitions and positions I've held as a writer making me very skilled in this area do make blogging very easy and it comes naturally. I thank God for this gift.

I don't really think about the competition when I join blog contests. I just do my best... and of course, I join a lot of them so there's a big chance that I get to win some of them. I always tell my friends who ask me why I win a lot that it's just like the lottery. If you don't buy a lotto ticket, then what odds do you have of winning? You got nothing to lose when you write a blog post. Well, if you have time to do it anyway. There were also contests I've missed because I've been busy trying to run a business and then there's the occasional writer's block I have to deal with.

Facebook contests were aplenty. It started with the Acer Connects promo that Noodle Boy and I won together. I think he's my lucky charm. Since then I won twice with Maybelline. From a random contest and a survey, participated by hundreds if not thousands of FB fans. I also won for my mom a gift pack from L'Oreal and won for myself the Limited Edition Pilipinas backpack from Jansport Philippines. And who can forget my EPIC WIN from I Commit to Change and Pantene PRO V?

There had also been mini contests I've joined but wasn't able to get the prizes when I won them. Time, travel, and location always factor in. Like the Nokia OVI contest, the Globe's Betcha Can Remember promo, the OpenRice promo and a consolation prize which I have yet to claim from them by the way, and also I have yet to receive my prize from the PensAndLens Photo contest!

And so for 2011, I hope I have time to join more blog/photo contests and should Lady Luck be on my side, hopefully win some more. I am not a sore loser though. I have enough experience at winning and losing contests and honestly, I think these contests are opportunities for me to unleash any creativity I still have untarnished by alcohol in my system. I swear, if I didn't have a blog or a phone, I pretty much think I have early Alzheimer's. I forget a lot of things, events, and even people. Blogging my life is turning into an early memoir.

And I'm not just going to limit myself at just writing and photography for this year, I'm also exploring the world of videos. Writing and photography was last year's project/New Year's resolution. Time to take it up another notch.

So here's a recent video I made out of sheer boredom and some creativity given the light of the situation. Don't judge me! This is just for fun! Watch this:

If you didn't laugh at the video, then there must be something wrong with you. Tee hee... Now get over it because it's time to WIN some prizes! You and me both!!!

Check out my TUMBLR blog and leave some comments there and you might just win for yourself an entire month's supply of Minute Maid (granting that blog will be considered VALID by the sponsor as there are some issues that have been raised).

In any case, it sure is a FUN read. You can see I put some effort in it so spend some more time blog hopping and head out to my TUMBLR blog and enjoy the post!


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  1. lucky girl...hehehehe who does not want to win??? hehehehe can't wait to ship your prize dear!!!



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