The Pregnancy Fog & My Blogs

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Since entering the last trimester, my brain is too hazy to function, my legs too weak to walk because of my weight gain, and though I try to be active, I truly am becoming a real slow poke. But it's not that bad. I've been busy updating my other blog.

You can check it out at

This pregnancy fog makes me ever so forgetful. If I had short-term memory, well, it has gotten worse. Like I'm amnesic or something. It's pointless to tell me to remind someone about something because I cannot retain anything... or maybe I'm just really distracted and preoccupied with the baby coming. It's pretty exciting! (And a little bit scary, just a little bit!)

Thank goodness for apps that help me get by with all the TO DO notes and reminders. See? In this high tech digital world, even pregnancy can be a whole lot easier.

Anyway, I've decided to buy Noodle Boy a prime lens. Okay, maybe I wanted it for myself but actually, it will be for both of us and the baby. Considering that I want to document the baby's growing up years as much as I can (a frustration from having absolutely almost nada baby pictures of myself now no thanks to the flash flood back in '91 that destroyed all my baby photos!), so a fast lens designed for low light would be perfect to capture those priceless moments of our baby... and us, new parents. It's an adventure we're really looking forward to.

I actually wanted a Lumix LX5 or a maybe a cool new Micro Four Thirds system, but in these times, I don't think that's the most practical purchase to be made. Think of the Avent bottles and the vaccinations we will have to be paying for. OMG. I think even the MacBook Air should wait until my birthday next year. Having a baby really is no walk in the park. I can't imagine how teenage moms and single parents handle it! Whew!

Ah well, there goes the Material Girl. Giving up my wants for something more important -- my little butterball's needs. I am growing up after all. But this doesn't mean this blog is going down the drain. As soon as I get rid of the 40 pounds I've managed to put on, I will definitely travel to places and take amazing photos (I really miss photography!) and blog it all here. Of course, I will also be blogging more misadventures and drama as it unfolds in my life. Although, you may want to check RAMEN GIRL'S RANTS & RAVES periodically for some sugar and spice.

I also need to do some book reading as I feel my vocabulary needs an overhaul but that will have to wait until after the baby is born. I gotta get creative with scrapbooking if I want my child to have an amazing collection of memories. And of course, our bedroom renovation is almost done so I'll be writing about that one, too. And... I still have pictures of the wedding ceremony I need to post as well as about the computer I've been using for almost 3 months now! Ack!

Hmmm.. how about a contest? Been joining some and not winning so maybe it's time to do a blog giveaway to make way for more blessings! What do you think? COMMENTS BELOW. I'm thinking it will have to do something with the baby. So... okay, lemme work on this and stay tuned for updates!


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