Pregnant & Proud!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's true that pregnancy hormones can either make you euphoric at one time or drive you mad the next. It's crazy and it's something I really wasn't prepared for. But I love it, nonetheless. It's awesome to be able to experience this miracle of the creation of life and there really isn't any feeling that can compare. Not even the most orgasmic of all foods that I have tasted throughout the years. Not even that thrill of discovering something online, the smell of the unboxing of an Apple product, or finding a really good deal or 70% off discount while shopping.

But most of the time because of weight gain, back pains, and swollen feet, it's highly recommended that you not mess with a pregnant woman. She could burst into tears randomly or kill you in the next five minutes. Take my word for it. Pregnant women have no filter. And now my give-a-damn's even more busted especially that I'm almost about to pop.

Before I do just that, I have decided to get pictures taken. And not just the normal kind of taking pix to monitor your growing belly each month. My photo enthusiast friends agreed to do a maternity/pregnancy photography with me. Lucky me, Mami!!! Whooopeee!!!

Pregnancy is truly an amazing thing. But it comes with a lot of symptoms. Now if you don't have anything good to say about my photos, then just shut the hell up because I don't want anyone ruining my beautiful memory and how I felt at the very moment when I had these pictures taken. It's like I've never felt more beautiful and sexier my entire life.

If you still don't get it, try being pregnant first!

With no further ado, here you go...

Credits to Douglas Q and Joenel Lou T for the awesome pics!

These are just some of the initial pictures and there's still more I'd like to show you! :) However, it all depends on my mood in the next couple of days. Tee hee!

P.S. If you have pregnancy pics, leave your link below as I would love to see them, too!


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  1. 2ng usa ka link..hehehhe...

  2. Congratulations! I'm far from pregnancy but this is so "appropriate", I think... GYAHAHAHA


I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, and violent reactions! I will do my best to reply to you as soon as I can. :)


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