True love is like the sun and moon; they hardly meet but one day they will eclipse.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You guys remember my dilemma during the last Total Lunar Eclipse right? yeah, too bad I had to miss it on purpose! Why? Because obviously, I was pregnant back then. I did note that there was going to be a lunar eclipse before the year ends but no thanks to my not-so-good-and-reliable memory, I almost missed it!

Twas a good thing that my dad had called me downstairs that night and told me about what was happening. I was so busy that day that the eclipse completely slipped my mind. That, and I was at the in-laws too so I wasn't on Twitter as well. *sigh* Being offline these days is almost equivalent to getting lost. Must stay connected all the time! Is this what the world is coming to really?

Last Lunar Eclipse of 2011

Blood moon

I wanted to capture every phase of the eclipse but I missed the start... Oh well, guess I'll have to wait for the next total lunar eclipse then. It should be on April 15, 2014! HOMAYGULAY! Kadugay paba ana! And I don't think that's visible from where I'm from. I should be anticipating the October 8, 2014 eclipse instead if I'm gonna be here exactly where I am right now.

But not to worry, there is a partial eclipse next year on June 4, 2012 and a penumbral one on November 28, 2012.

Did anything unusual happen during the last total eclipse last December 10th? Not here. Might be some dragons hatched somewhere else. Tee hee.

True love is like the sun and moon; they hardly meet, but one day they will eclipse. 


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