My Summer Essentials: Don't scorch that skin!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Over the years that I have basked under the sun during the sweltering heat of the summer season and only finding out later on and regretting having not taken any skin protection measures, I have learned quite an important lesson. It comes as no surprise that for the remainder of the year, it becomes my ultimate goal to get that healthy, glowing skin for a perfect holiday shade before the year ends.

I'm going to review two new and wonderful whitening products I've come across that you just might need for yourself especially now that the summer season is coming to a halt. Say hello to GLUTA-C Intense Whitening body lotion and body scrub. There's also a face and body soap product but I was only able to grab these two items from Sample Room.

Gluta-C Intense Whitening body lotion and body scrub 
I've been using these for a week now and let me just say that it's unlike any other whitening product out there. Since I was 15, I've been on a quest to obtain a lighter shade, not that I was particularly dark or anything. But since I practically live on a coastal area, the sea breeze and my frequent beach trips leave a lot to be desired. Armed with 15 years of experience when it comes to finding the best whitening product available to date, I can see clearly now the rain has gone what I need to do to protect my precious skin and save some glow for old age.

Awww.. that's some serious skin damage going on there, Donatella Versace. (Photo from Google)
Everything I tried before left me either sticky or icky, which makes Gluta-C the "most light weight" skin whitening product for me. It simply means the consistency is thick but it blends into, well, almost nothing. It doesn't even feel like I'm wearing lotion at all, but my skin is not left dry which possibly means the product is being absorbed into my skin. The countless other "EXTRA" or "SUPER" whitening products I've tried in the past were always so hard to blend on my skin and felt so heavy that I reckon it's like wearing a ton of body paint on my skin!

Now you see it, now you don't!
I've been using it for a week now but I won't say I'm turning into Snow White. But as far as I can tell, I'm slowly getting back my NC25 skin tone. The best part of the Gluta-C body lotion really is that I am comfortable using this lotion even though the climate is truly exasperating this time of the year and no amount of A/C really makes one forget how humid it gets in the summertime here in the tropics.

To hasten the skin whitening, I paired this lotion with the Gluta-C body scrub. It reminds me of the sugar body scrubs I've been using before I decided to try this product. It has a nice smell to it that makes your bathroom smell like it's spring time. I like it!
3 is definitely better than 1!
I think perhaps its the papaya scent that makes it smell so good that I get the urge to taste it. But no, of course, I didn't. It says it's safe to use daily but since I don't have the luxury to spend that much time in the bathroom everyday, I've been using it every other day. I like the fact that the scrub doesn't hurt my skin and doesn't disappear or dissolve in just a matter of seconds like my sugar scrubs. The granules are there until you want to wash it off. So if you feel like you haven't scrubbed enough, then you can scrub yourself all you want! Tee hee. I've only used it about 4 x and used about 25%. Apparently, there's still so much product inside the 120-gram jar that will last a month if you use it every other day. Best of all, it retails for just PHP99.75. Using this body scrub is making the body lotion glide smoother on my skin. I am convinced this is truly helping the lotion get absorbed easily on my skin, thus making the intense whitening process work really well.

Now here's my TOP 5 SUMMER PRODUCTS to stay beautiful and fresh. As I've mentioned, years of experience took place to make me come up with this list. Your body will surely be grateful if you pack up these babies inside your beach bag.

1. Sunblock. I go with SPF 70! The ozone layer isn't what it used to be. Mother Earth is is growing old. Do yourself a favor. Just don't scorch that skin.
2. Lip balm. Because no one wants windburned lips. Hard lesson learned there.
3. After sun cooling gel. People like me burn so fast and I don't look forward to sticking to my sheets at night.
4. Whitening lotion. Of course, tans fade. But why not speed up the process? And while you're at it, nourish your skin with antioxidants like Vitamin C. Fortunately, you'll get just that from Gluta-C!
5. Body scrub. Who wants dead skin cells anyway!? My current HG body scrub is no other than Gluta-C.

There you have it! I may come off sounding so vain talking about skin and all, but trust me. You don't want skin damage or worse, skin cancer. *knock on wood* Simbako! My grandfather lived by the motto and always told us that "prevention is better than cure" which is why I think it really is better to be safe than sorry. Your skin is the biggest organ in your body. *Ahem* And it's probably the first thing that people you meet notice and certainly, you don't want to give the wrong impression.

My favorite photo from our recent Kalanggaman Island escapade.
(Before I transformed into a Nancy nognog.)
So before I go, let me ask you a simple question. If you can't take care of your skin, what does that say about you? :)

Find out more about Gluta-C on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

BLOGS ★ http://www.bastaigatsikat.com

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