My Great Food 15-Second Cooking Challenge

Monday, May 26, 2014

This summer heat is no joke and it's important to stay hydrated all the time. Aside from feeling parched, this humid weather makes me rather sleepy and I don't exactly know why. So it's hard for me to say no to a cold coffee drink at the moment.

My work requires me to stay alert because I'm a grammar nazi an editor and I need to stay awake to make sure I spot mistakes and don't miss them. I need all the help I can get it and right now I feel this drink is really sent from up above!

And it's a no-brainer since it's very easy to do and the ingredients aren't hard to find at all. Read on how to make this COFFEE CRUSH SUMMER SHAKE!

1 sachet San Mig Coffee Honeycino
1/4 cup Magnolia Chocolait
1 cup shaved or crushed ice
1/2 or 1 tbsp sugar (optional)
chocolate syrup (optional)
Makes 1 serving.

  • First, you'll need a cup of crushed ice.

  • Then take 1/4 cup of Magnolia Chocolait and put it together with the ice on a blender.

  • Now open a sachet of San Mig Coffee Honeycino and pour it all in with the others.

  • The next one is optional but if you're like me and you have a love affair with sugar, then by all means... add some in. Just don't go overboard. We all know that too much sugar is never good. You can also add chocolate syrup if that's also your deal. All you need is to blend it for a bit and that's basically all there is to it!

Still not sure how it's done? Check out my #mygreatfoodin15seconds video below.

If you're like me and don't want to leave the house or building when the sun is still out, then stock up on Magnolia Chocolait and San Mig Coffee Honeycino and save yourself hundred of bucks from ordering your fix at your favorite coffee shops. Even though the summer season is almost over, it's still scorchin' hot literally here in the Philippines (and will probably continue to be so in the next couple of weeks/months!) so this delicious and refreshing drink is guaranteed to always save the day! And yes, it does take more or less 15 seconds to make if you're in that big of a hurry. For my full video, watch below or visit

Try it now! And check out more easy to follow recipes at and "like" their Facebook page at


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