Running for the right reasons. Que sera! Que sera!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Many of you should know by now that tomorrow is D-DAY for me. Yes, I am running for office... as a barangay kagawad/councilor. I know it's not like the most grandiose or prestigious position but we all have to start somewhere, right? It doesn't mean because it's a teeny weeny bit of status that I won't be able to do much. I beg to differ.

Now I am taking my commitments to a higher level now. Because I want to help people and the community, in ways that I am able to... is the main reason why I am even getting involved in this madness. I mean, come on. Let's face it... Is this really something I am inclined to do? Or is this something I am doing because my heart tells me to? The latter, my friends, is more like it.

So why not get involved in a charitable organization or what? Well, I don't have that kind of commitment yet. But I do have time for the smallest political unit in the Philippines, the barangay. District 19 is just a block with around 200 people (I think!) and living here my whole life (and no, I am not ashamed of *still* living with my parents... this is the Philippines for crying out loud!)... I think I have a good grasp of what I can do and how I can help my barangay.

Did you also know I was crowned Little Miss Cantubo 1989?

HAHAHA! Okay, I will laugh with you all you want... but really, it was fun and I believe small barangays like mine can benefit if we do this. Why did we ever stop having these pageants anyway? I don't know. I guess people (in office) got old and don't know what's fun anymore. You tell me. But I intend to bring back the fun and excitement in my community. But then again, it's really up to the people here to decide if they want to go on seeing not a lot of change in our barangay and even NO MORE BARANGAY TANODS... or they can give me a chance to bring it all back!!!

My mother was a barangay captain some years ago and I remember we even had this barangay garden that our neighbors actively help to maintain and the Tanods were a great help in minimizing the burglaries in the neighborhood. But alas, those two are nowhere to be found this time around. And I would very much like to see them back here in District 19.

One thing that's bugging me a little though is the fact that people are doing extreme means in campaigning. I think I am successful at getting their attention with my tarpaulin and posters. It's not every day you see a campaign poster that looks like it's a tourism promotion or a product ad! Tee hee.

But that's where I draw the line. Of course, I did my house-to-house campaign to ask voters to give me a chance to serve and even sought out those voters who don't live here in the barangay anymore but are still registered to vote in the district... but that's it. What am I getting at? Well, honestly, I do not like vote buying. And even if the other candidates are doing it, I firmly refuse to do so. Obviously, we have the means to do that (maybe even double what they are paying the voters?) but I told my mother, who isn't a neophyte at playing the game of politics, that I refuse to disrespect people by buying their votes.

It stresses me to think that some people keep hinting that they would like to receive money in exchange for votes. And every time, I close my eyes and say a little prayer asking God to enlighten these people that it is just plain WRONG. Nothing good can absolutely come from it (aside from winning more often than not) and isn't MONEY THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL?

Okay, I know this is all so idealistic (you know what happened to the KAABAG PARTY last May Elections, right?). And buying votes is the way of the trapos and it's like the secret formula to winning most elections. Believe me, my international readers, it works here in the Philippines! But I never gave that any thought, plus the words of Gandhi reverberates in my mind loudly saying, "Be the change you wish to see in the world". Also that's why I am running as INDEPENDENT, not under any particular party.

So here I am, leaving it all up to the people and to God what will be the outcome of tomorrow's barangay elections. Win or lose, there has to be a reason for it. In other words, if I lose then it just goes to show that people here are quite content with the current barangay situation and that they don't need my help or they're insane and happy to give their votes in exchange for a mere 50 bucks. Then I'll have to find other ways of helping my fellowmen because I truly want to help people... but in fun ways that I can. I think you all know that over the years you've been hanging out here in my blog. :) So if ever I win, well, it is gonna be a different story... and you can expect me to blog about all I'm gonna do in the months/years to come!

In the meantime, I'll just have to lift everything up to Him as He knows what's best for me and pray that the people here in District 19 will give me a chance to serve them the way they should be served. Can people just stop politicking and just do what's good for everybody? What's up with all the personal gain!? Geez.

Que sera. Que sera. What will be... will be. Wish me luck, guys!!! And good luck to all my friends who are also running for office in their respective barangays. Aja aja, fighting!!!


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