My not so random blog and a case of verbal diarrhea

Thursday, November 06, 2008

To be misjudged and misunderstood has got to be the worst thing/feeling in the world, except stepping on shit, that is. But the feeling is pretty much the same. I haven’t quite adjusted back to the “provincial” life, trying to become the Mona Lisa or Mother Teresa. I’m not even this near to being the next Lucy Torres, not that I want to be one anyway. I’m perfectly fine as MyMaria.

Each of us has his/her own character as a person. I am the spoiled little kid kind. But I am NOT a brat. There’s a difference between the two. Spoiled kids are given what they want without asking for it and the brats get what they want whatever it takes. After having lived away from my parents for some time, I already realized that people don’t always get what we want and contentment is always the key to being happy. I have no issues with contentment.

What I still don’t get is the stereotyping in this small town. Birds of the same feathers flock together alright, but I am not a bird. I would rather call myself a social butterfly than a bipedal, endothermic, vertebrate animal that lay eggs. I don’t think that being friends with social outcasts should define you as a person. I don’t think that girls who are independent, witty, and smart should automatically mean being an intimidating control freak or a manipulative bitch. No, I really don’t think first impressions last either.

It hurts when people say things about you that are untrue. I mean, in my part, I wouldn’t be so alarmed if one would say that I had plastic surgery or anything but if anyone talks bullshit about me, like maybe say that I’m a home wrecker or that I am slave driver who manipulates guys to do things for me then that’s really hitting below the belt. Then you shouldn’t be surprised either should one of your family members end up floating dead inside a black garbage bag by the river if you keep hounding me with your false claims. I know people are entitled to their own opinions, but hey, come on, keep it to yourselves. Even though I couldn’t be bothered by these allegations, I would really appreciate not hearing anything of the sort -- especially when it sounds like a broken CD playing over and over again. Now, wouldn’t that just drive you up the wall???

Just let me be... ...and leave me alone.

There's a point in your life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything but not giving up... it is just realizing that you don't need certain people, the insanity and drama that they bring. WhatEver Yaya... hehehehe ^_^
⋆✌㋡ღ⋆ 陳美西

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