Chedeng vs Charing?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And so another super typhoon is coming.

I don't want to say hello to Chedeng! Go away please! It's still summer... I haven't had any summer escapade just yet and it's rainy season already!? WTF

But so it seems in this tropical island... weather is truly unpredictable. Just like me. And speaking of unpredictable, tonight I became chairman of the board of judges for the Miss Gay Cantubo 2011.

What's that? Well, it's a drag queen pageant really. It's fun (freaky for some people!) but very entertaining. People told me not to watch the show because I'm pregnant and it might affect the pregnancy [baby's gender]. Pfft! Seriously?

It rained almost the whole time during the show. Coming from a provincial town, there ain't no covered gym to hold the event. Ahhh! Memories of my childhood... The Cantubo fiestas. All part of me.

Anyways, these guys really look like ladies. OMG. (Cue in music by Aerosmith, "Dude Look Like A Lady") Very talented species though.

But sometimes it makes you wonder if they are the ones bringing the rain and all. LOL! The typhoon ought to be called CHARING, not CHEDENG. It sounds more appropriate.

But hey, come on, look at them!

So unfair. They look so much better than I do. Tee hee! Even when they've been drenched in rain, they remained poised and all... Tsk tsk tsk.

And look at me now...

Yup, that's me alright. Plus 30 pounds more.

The fact is I no longer have control of some things. This little munchkin inside me chooses when we eat, how often we have to pee, and how tired we are. ^_^ Dear baby, my stomach is not a punching bag, my bladder is not a trampoline, and my ribs are not a jungle gym. But I love you! Can't wait to see you! ♥

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