September 2011 - Basta Igat, Sikat! by MyMaria

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.

The primary reason why I started blogging was to be able rant about my feelings and thoughts on certain things (and some people). Writing has always been a passion for me. It's how I let off steam and a method of keeping my sanity intact. From diaries to journals, and over the recent years, to blogs. I had only a few readers then....

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WIN a Johnson's GIFT PACK from MRSNOODLEBOY... umm, that's me!

Got a chance to take part of an awesome contest campaign... You might want to check out my TUMBLR blog to win a prize. What have you got to lose, eh? GO NOW! http://mrsnoodleboy.tumblr.com/post/10365853550/johnsons-my-kids-growing-up-so-fast-contest  VAMANOS, VAMANOS!!! xoxo, ...

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RameNoodles™ for COFFEE-MATE!

"Milk for my cereal, Coffee-Mate for my coffee. Makes sense to me!" We are all too familiar of those lines from the old TV commercial. We even used it during school plays. We grew up in a world where black coffee was not something we regularly drank. Back in high school and college anyway. The world we live in, the way I see...

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Some good things don't last, do they?

As to how tempting the forbidden fruit can be, the same question applies to why the good things have to end. I think it's a rhetorical question really. But don't you just wonder what if the goodness just continues? Take for example the massage we had at Nuat Thai. That would have been great had it not end so quickly... but alas, 1...

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Couple Time and the Eye Pads

We all know that raising a child (especially an infant) will eat up a LOT of your time if you intend to be a hands-on parent. It's true but it doesn't mean Noodle Boy and I don't get to spend quality time together. I really think that "US" time or Couple Time is very important when you have a baby. I think a...

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