Some good things don't last, do they?

Friday, September 09, 2011

As to how tempting the forbidden fruit can be, the same question applies to why the good things have to end. I think it's a rhetorical question really. But don't you just wonder what if the goodness just continues?

Take for example the massage we had at Nuat Thai. That would have been great had it not end so quickly... but alas, 1 hour is all we ever get, every time.

Well, a massage that goes on forever would be detrimental, don't you think? I wonder what happens to your muscles and soft tissues. They'd probably end up like Jell-O or what? But I do love Nuat Thai. I just wish we have enough spare $$$ to spend on spa and massage every month. But now with the baby... Umm...

Next, we have books. One good thing with having a baby is that ironically, I have time to read! Hurray! *twirls around the room*

I got the chance to update my old vocabulary once more. No, I didn't read any of those mind-boggling books that would require not just a dictionary on hand but also a good understanding of philosophy on the sides. It was just a book I was dying to read.


So who among you know Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield like they're your imaginary friends from childhood or maybe even your next door neighbors? RAISE YOUR HAND!

Well, as a child growing up in the 80s and 90s, the twins are a part of my puberty. I thought I buried them with my not-so-pleasant childhood memories but as soon as I read the first few pages of the book, I felt like I traveled back in time. Not necessarily as part of the story, but you get the picture.

I'm not going to talk about the book as I might spoil it for you. You'll just have to read it for yourself if you're interested. Take note: It's an adult book now. Not your teen edition anymore. So, are you ready to spend a whole day of reading? DOWNLOAD HERE. (You'll need an epub reader!)

However, as I've been saying, good things sadly come to an end and as I flipped the last page of the book (ahem, via iPad), I couldn't help but feel down. Guess that'd be the last I'd be hearing from the twins and the whole gang from Sweet Valley. Unless they're going to come up with some Middle Age Crisis version when I'm 40 or something. Tsk.

Lastly, even food ends up getting expired and/or finished.

Awww. No more Nutella... and a bag of Ruffles down the drain. *sniffles*

But look on the bright side... here's a food for thought:


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