Caught between the moon and Ormoc City.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The best part about living in Ormoc City is not just simply being able to enjoy the sea breeze as expected from a coastal city city and all nor is it the cheap booze and the very affordable orgasmic foods available, it's actually going out at night and basking at the moonlight.

Big cities have tall towers and humongous buildings that block the moon and all its glory. Small towns like the one I live in don't. That's why when you look up the sky on a clear night, the moon always smiles down at you.

Just as last night.

Ain't it hauntingly beautiful? Every time I look at my window and see the moon, it never fails to make me smile. I wonder if I was a werewolf in my past life. Or perhaps I'm related to the Lunar people in Sailor Moon. HAHAHA!

Sometimes I wonder though why people never went back to the moon. If Neil Armstrong and the guys went there in '69 with what technology they had back then, why not now? Just because we've been there once, so it's enough already? Or was all that a fake act? Lots of conspiracies have been spoken of about that Moon Landing but hey, I couldn't really care less.

I love watching the moon from afar. I don't think I really want to see it up close. Some things are better seen from afar, you know, like a Monet. Tee hee.

Do you guys also love watching the moon?


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