The Attack of the Killer Bookworm.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

It’s almost a week since I last blogged and gawd, does time fly! The bookworm in me has been reading so much literature that I feel like reality is a dream instead. I’ve been so caught up with fiction that I feel like a schizo! Among the things I’ve read and am about to read are as follows:

1. The works of Dan Brown (as I previously mentioned); Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Deception Point, Digital Fortress

2. Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie

3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera

4. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, as well as Sense and Sensibility

5. Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray

6. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird

7. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War

I’m estimating a good 3 weeks to finish all of those. Yipee! By the end of October I’ll be so full of imagination and permanently residing in Lala Land. I wonder what will that make of me. Ahhh, let’s wait and see. I don’t want to work shifts anymore. I ought to have a regular job or maybe I’ll just stay home and read. I’ve never felt so sluggish in my whole life. All I do is read, read, read, sleep, eat, sleep. Yoohoo! Earth to my social life!!! Not that I truly care, I’m quite satisfied being introverted. Still if someone calls me one day and invites me out to bungee jump, I’d be out the door in no time! Yet for now, I’ll stay put.

List of things I need to do when I get home (obviously, I’m at work! Shish!):

1. Call someone to fix my room’s doorknob. Apparently, I’d been that lazy as I managed to lock myself out and had to break the lock to get in. Whatta!

2. Call mom and advise more details on my visit to Ormoc over the weekend.

3. Go with Vinz to the bank.

4. Burn CDs for Jan Dong. Call him when they’re ready.

5. read…read…read… check on Vash and then sleep.

Since I’m going home this weekend, there should be plenty to write about. So until then, I need to go and make money now. Tee hee.

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