Ipanema G2B: I just had to get one.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

When I saw Gisele Bündchen's ad for her newest collection, I gasped!  I thought it was perfect!  The diversion I just had to have.  PERFECTION!  Well, you know, the flip-flop addiction and all that.  But THIS!!!  This is just right!  Even my mom agrees.  (And you know how she gets when I go flipping for flops!)  She even said as a matter of factly and in a motherly voice, "You should sell ALL your Havaianas and buy Ipanemas!"

Are you kiddding me???

For those who haven't seen the ads:

Isn't it breathtaking?

Ooohh.. who wouldn't want to be in her shoes! (or flip-flops)... Man, this chick is worth 70 million dollars, last time I checked... and she was listed in the Guiness Book of Records as the world's richest supermodel.  *sigh*  Those 3 words in a sentence send shrivers down my spine.  It's too good to be true.  At 27, having fame and fortune... beauty and brains... *double sigh* plus being able to give to all the charity [that she supports]... It's a dream come true!

So anyway, when I saw these sandals a week ago, I couldn't wait for Monday.  Ask Dapoieee.  I even IM'd her as soon as I stopped drooling when I laid my eyes on them.  Yeah, I'm exaggerating alright... and yes, I didn't wait for Monday.  Only because today, Ate Jinggay came over my place and she's got the brown ones already!!!  See?

Okay, stop staring at my "veiny" feet and badly-in-need-of-a-pedicure toes!  Get over it.

Fast forward an hour later, we went to American Boulevard where they had new stocks of Ipanemas and no less than 2 minutes did I make a beeline for the cashier and got me black ones!  You like?

Aww.. The last pic is blurred. :( My foot is officially too ugly to be posted.  Even my camera is complaining... I should put that complaint-free bracelet on my cam!

I still want white ones!!!  I'll think about it though... I'll think about it for a while.  This is just the beginning.  HA HA HA!

⋆✌㋡⋆ 陳美西

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  1. ...and all those free ipanema flip-flops she must be getting. hey, i live just one block away from where there's a big store that sells only flip-flops. want me to get you a pair?

  2. Hi Godi! Nice of you to drop by my blog ^_^ Ohhh those flip-flops...!!! They're really something, huh?

    I was wondering though if you could help me out.. I'm gonna shoot you an email and I hope you get it :)



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