The PAL not so fairytale

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I'm not a viajera or anything.  In fact, I'm not much of a plane fan either.  Yeah, yeah, statistically speaking, it is the safest way to travel... unless you defy gravity like Superman.  So anyway, this is our not so fairytale.

A long time ago... Okay, not so long... about 4 years ago, my mother dear took me to the land of the free for a vacation.  (And no, I did not give birth or go to rehab!!!)  It wasn't really planned or anything but since we got our VISAs approved, we might as well just go.  Wouldn't you?  Heck, I had no job at that time and I was out of school.  So, I'd like to think of it as a graduation gift, just because there wasn't any real reason for the trip.  Boy, I was feeling lucky!  You know, I used to think like getting your VISA approved was like winning the lottery.

Okay, fast forward to some time when we decided to go back to our beloved country.  We were supposed to stop over Hawaii and actually, we paid $300 more for each ticket just to get that flight instead of the original direct flight from LA to MLA.  Tita Marie, who had no plans of going to Hawaii, already left for Honolulu so she could meet us there since we would be staying at her kids' place.  A day before our flight out, we went to the PAL office to get our confirmation code as per code sharing agreement for Hawaiian Airlines.  We had everything set then.  The next day at the airport, however, the code was DENIED!!!  Like, we waited and lugged our bags and I can't even remember what anymore!  Bottomline:  It was a nightmare!!!  Next to losing your passports anyway.  But still....

And so, we stayed in LA for 3 more days to get things sorted out and I don't even know what happened there anymore.  My mother's LIFELONG dream to go to Hawaii... vanished to thin air!  BOOHOO!!!  Nice going PAL!  Or was it the travel agency who screwed up???

Okay, fast forward again.  We sued PAL.

And... it took 4 freaking years to get it settled.  What a justice system we have!  If I were going to go through another due process of some sort, no thanks!  If I had cancer, I'd probably be dead waiting for who knows what! HA HA HA!

So justice is served... yet not so just if you ask me.  I still want to go to Hawaii!!! And so does my mother!!! So let's just forget the HAPPILY EVER AFTER!

Perhaps we'll sue the travel agency for charging the $600 extra! Hmm..

⋆✌㋡⋆ 陳美西.

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