Yuck or Yum?

Friday, January 15, 2010

The great thing about living in Asia or the East for that matter is the food we get the chance to eat. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of weird but truly delectable viands available. One of these is the exotic food selection locally.

I don't know if I'd get in trouble with Animal Rights and be charged with animal cruelty, but that sort of thing isn't really a big issue around here... especially when it comes to FOOD! I haven't really done any research about it except ask around, but people seem to get away with hunting wild boars or catching turtles to eat... or even dogs for that matter. I think you guys have seen me feast on some of that over the years. ;)

But this week's menu is not the sort of thing you see every day. Well, I don't... and the last time I had one of these had been years actually.

What the heck is that?

Looks like caldereta. In fact, it is! Mmm... But what meat is that? It sure don't look like goat meat to me. What does it look like to you?

Yep, that's right. It's a snake. A very edible one, albeit smaller than most around here. ;)

Still very delicious, especially when it's pinirito (fried) and crunchy. Yes, it does taste like chicken. Doesn't everything?

I wonder what Prony tastes like?

Just kidding, Prony Boy. He's a python, I don't think he's edible. Is he? My dad says he is. Ah well, why am I not surprised? My father was the one who made me eat frogs, birds, rabbits, iguanas (edible lizard), dogs, sharks, you name it... I ate it. Tee hee.


I wanted to post pictures of how we skinned the snake and took out its innards while its heart was still beating, but that'd be against my better judgment; I don't want to be offensive here. Y'all probably go YUCK all the way but let me tell you that perhaps the ends justify the means... and that this specialty is a guaranteed YUM for me.

You are what you eat, eh? Yeah, whatever, yaya.


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  1. glad you enjoyed your meal, but the thought of eating snakes scare me :D i guess i'm not an adventurous eater.

  2. errr.snakes eh? must be slitherin good! haha! joke. don't want to sound close minded and all but the thought, just the thought, already makes me cringe. but who knows, right? :P

  3. one of our farm hands died last month coz a snake bit him.. might as well eat snakes if they kill people, too, right? hahaha i know i'm not making sense here hehehe but it's so good, i swear, you'll just think it's finger-lickin' good as well ;) you know, like KFC... tee hee =D

  4. You mentioned your farm-hand died of a snake bite? Hmmm... I love snakes, but i don't eat them. I'm curious as to what kinda snake bit the farmboy. And where your farm's at? I'd love to visit your place sometime and go check on the local snake populace...



I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, and violent reactions! I will do my best to reply to you as soon as I can. :)


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