☆:*´¨`* Happy 4th of July!!! *´¨`*:.☆

Monday, July 05, 2010

So initially we wanted buy fireworks and knock ourselves out with it but alas, Ormoc City doesn't have readily available fireworks you can buy over the counter. :( I guess, you need to order it ahead of time. PAK!

Well, nothing else to do in this small town but...


Started with pizza... Actually finished 2 boxes. The first box was finished in no time while watching IP MAN 1 and 2...


Besides, we still managed to have fireworks after...


Fireworks in the form of bursting flavor in our mouths and fireworks in our STOMACHS!!! 

Can't get enough of the Lobster Thermidor + Hollandaise Sauce!

With all that, who needs fireworks?! :P

LOL! Just for laughs.

But seriously...

Looks like we're getting more and more in shape. ROUND being a shape. Tee hee.

And after a couple of beers for the night... to culminate the 4th of July...

This is us at 2 in the morning...

Hahahahaha... Getting buzzed is THE BEST!

So how did you spend your 4th of July?

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