Does expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Around Christmas time last year, my friend Claire asked me to get her a white Macbook. I told her it wasn't a good time to buy it because there's a new model coming out and well, if you're familiar with Apple, you know what happens when there's a product upgrade. Cheaper prices, much better features coming up next, etc... so she waited.

Summer came and she asked me again if prices have gone down or if it was time to buy one. I told her... "Wait for it..." 

Then a few days ago I told her about the education promo and told her it was such a good deal. So we finally bought one.

With all the waiting and anticipating, I present you Kleng and her new macbook (which she hasn't given a name yet!)...

That's an ear to ear smile she got there! See what I mean? Oh, the joy! And the unboxing scents... ahhh, it's heaven. I just love the smell of Apple products first time out of the box. I mean, doesn't everyone? ;)

It's the new model, almost the same specs as my Mickey! And better battery life, too! Booo!

Oh, the pleasure of helping out somebody make a switch to Apple. HAHAHAHA! (Spoken like a true fangirl?)

I just love showing people the way of the mac. I should work as an Apple Genius. Really. I must admit I am a convert, all because I think that a mac makes everything so easy and you get to finish your work faster... and boy, does it unleash creativity... ^_^ Plus, you gotta hand it to them. It's a work of art... it's just beautiful.

End of blog post. Time to work now. Ciao!

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