F.O.B.I. = Fried Or Baked Ice Cream

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This one is different from that other fried ice cream blog I did a few weeks back. That was the one in SM Cebu.

This time, it's the fried or baked ice cream.

For real. They baked it (the mango one below) using an oven toaster!

... and then fried the other (the chocolate in the video* below) in "special" oil. Whatever that is.


So what about the taste? We tried the mango, chocolate, and strawberry (the one Ate Chinette is eating in the last picture below) and I should say my favorite would be the chocolate. It's just my flavor... you know, the bittersweet kind. The mango is pretty good.. like mangoes should and the strawberry, well, it's a little sour for my taste buds but some people really like that. They got vanilla, pandan, and other flavors that I can't remember. I was busy reading the promo they were offering for 3K something good for 100 cups, you know, for parties and stuff.

There you go, another unique food experience here in good ol' Cebu! *sigh* I'm sure gonna miss this place.

But if I'm lucky, I'll bring a franchise back to my hometown with me. Yey!

*Sorry for the bad quality. Note to self: Bring digital cam always. ^_^

⋆✌㋡⋆ 陳美西

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