A Pinay named MyMaria and her Pinoy MyPhones

Friday, July 12, 2013

With a torrent of smartphones raining down on consumers this wet season, let's not ignore the fact that we have a local brand that is actually at par with the big ones in the market today. What am I talking about? Well, as you know, I am a fan of local brands. I support them 100%. Our toiletries at home and my cosmetics consist of Human Heart Nature products. I'm also the type of girl who would rather buy a Bench bra, wear a pair of Freego jeans, and use a Penshoppe bag than be a trying hard social climber donning a Class A imitation of some popular imported brand. Truth be told, I can't easily afford luxurious designer labels but even if I could, maybe I still wouldn't. And what better way to help our economy than patronize our local goods, right? So yeah. You get the picture.

Even though I am such an Apple fangirl, aside from the iPhone (which I got for free with my postpaid line) I do own a couple of mobile phones that include some MyPhones. Well, if you ask me, you just can't beat that DUAL-SIM feature. I have a couple of other numbers that I use for business, in case you're wondering why I need something like that. Not for monkey business, mind you. So why choose MyPhone? Simply because it's a Philippine mobile phone brand! And who else should be buying these but us? I mean, a huge number of Koreans all use Samsung, so why can't Filipinos be loud and proud rocking their MyPhones, too? Well, I am!

My very well-used Myphone White QTV20 QWERTY Dual SIM TV Phone with battery life that is so awesome!
My MyPhones for business and pleasure, the B12 and the B88+ Duo.
Basically all you'll ever need for calls and texts!
It's nice that MyPhones now come in the color white. I also love the fact they last practically like forever. I've had these Pinoy phones for almost 2 years and still their performance hasn't disappointed me. Even the battery powers are still great. The B12 is a good music player alternative and the B88+ Duo is what I use for my SUN number because I use it mainly for the unlimited calls and as my emergency flashlight as it has that one touch/shortcut button right at the middle.

So what about smartphones or Android powered MyPhones? I recently went to our local MyPhone concept store to check out what they had to offer. What caught my attention are these two.

These two are the perfect alternative for the Samsung Galaxy Y and the Galaxy S3.
I really do love the map of the Philippines at the back of the cover. Nothing says PROUD TO BE PINOY more than the map of our beloved country! The MyPhone A818G is like the Pinoy version of Samsung's Galaxy Y and it's big brother, the MyPhone A919 looks a lot like the S3. Since our MyPhone store here doesn't accept credit cards, I think I'm better off buying it from an online store like LAZADA Philippines since they accept BDO cards and you can pay in installment for up to 2 years.

The MyPhone A919 also runs on Jellybean (the latest Android firmware version) so this local cellphone brand or Philippine smartphone will definitely run very smoothly. I think with the 5" screen, it'd be perfect for browsing the Internet and playing my favorite puzzle games, in addition to the ability to install Viber, which is a popular cross-platform messaging app that most online businesses use for communication. I also learned that the A919 has got information and contact numbers of fast food joints, banks, and police which really turns this thing into a true blue Pinoy Phone. For people living in the capital, you will definitely find the MMDA app useful.

Aside from the MyPhone A919, I'm also interested in getting the MyPhone A898. It's much cheaper since they slashed down the price (Read: IT'S ON SALE!!!) and the specs are pretty alright with me as there's not a mega huge difference with the A919. See specs comparison below:

Bottomline is whatever smartphone I'm gonna end up getting, it'll absolutely be a MyPhone. I'm just glad we have a concept store here in my city so that warranty and support won't be any problem even if I purchase it at LAZADA Philippines. Here's a special discount code you can use at the site.

Lazada 468x60 2

So what's your current or favorite MyPhone? Do let me know in the comments so I can go check it out while I'm on the market for one. :) Thanks for droppin' by!

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